/ / News, Podcast

I did an interview with the Changelog podcast (MP3) about my upcoming talk at the O’Reilly Open Source conference in London, explaining how it is that the free and open web became so closed and unfree, but free and open software stayed so very free, and came to dominate the software landscape.


/ / News

I’m about to switch off my email until September 5 and drive to Black Rock City for 10 days of incinerating the dude.

/ / Articles, News

Earlier this month, I gave the afternoon keynote at the Internet Archive’s Decentralized Web Summit, and my talk was about how the people who founded the web with the idea of having an open, decentralized system ended up building a system that is increasingly monopolized by a few companies — and how we can prevent the same things from happening next time.

/ / News

At yesterday’s Internet Archive Decentralized Web Summit, the afternoon was given over to questions of security and policy.

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O’Reilly’s venerable, essential OSCON is in Austin, Texas this year, meaning that you’ll get to combine brain-thumpingly good talks and workshops of free/open source tools and techniques with some of the world’s best BBQ, millions of bats, my favorite toy store anywhere, and one of the best indie bookstores you could hope to visit.