This unabridged reading of Little Brother, read by Kirby Heyborne, is sold without DRM, or license agreement of any kind, and by buying it here, you more than triple the royalties I receive for it.
The audiobook was produced by Random House Audio. Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll get a download link for a collection of 128Khz MP3 files, in a ZIP archive. Simply open the archive and load into your favourite digital music player.
You’re free to do anything with this that copyright allows — play it, sing it, swing it, yodel it, I don’t give a dern (as Woody Guthrie once said!).
Buy NowThe basic price is $20 but VAT will be added depending on your country of residence.
I bought your audio book version the day it came out and have since bought several copies. I have given them as gifts and still have half a dozen saved, which I plan on using in a class this winter. The problem is that I have lost my audio copy and would like to use it in my class. I can take a picture of the books I have but have no proof of my audio purchase. Is it possible that you might send a new audio copy to me on good faith?
Yours most sincerely,
Yes, absolutely! I’ll email you separately.
Both Little Brother and Homeland are wonderful books and I purchased both in dead-tree format. Before this official audio book was available, I piped each plain text version of each chapter through espeak and lame to produce audio files that I could listen to in the car. It was fun to listen to but this version is most definitely easier on the eardrums :)
I love it — what a great, innovative yes.
my son has this as a novel study for grade 9, we have access to the pdf of the book they gave us, but i have been looking around for audio version because we both have visual reading problems. all of the free ones online have very bad AI voices. I guess i might have to spend the money on a real version!