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Bruce Sterling, Locus Magazine: Walkaway is a real-deal, generically traditional science-fiction novel; it’s set in an undated future and it features weird set design, odd costumes, fights, romances, narrow escapes, cool weapons, even zeppelins. This is the best Cory Doctorow book ever. I don’t know if it’s destined to become an SF classic, mostly because it’s so advanced and different that it makes the whole genre look archaic.


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The CBC asked me to write an editorial for their package about Canadian identity and politics, timed with the 150th anniversary of the founding of the settler state on indigenous lands. They’ve assigned several writers to expand on themes in the Canadian national anthem, and my line was “We stand on guard for thee.”

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I just got to NYC for Bookcon, where I’m appearing tomorrow, at a “guest bookseller” event with John Scalzi at 11 at the Tor Booth (3008) (we’ll be talking up books we love!); then a panel with Charlie Jane Anders, Annalee Newitz and John Scalzi at 3PM (room 1E10), and finally a signing with Scalzi at 415PM in the autographing area.

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My latest Guardian column is Technology is making the world more unequal. Only technology can fix this; in it, I argue that surveillance and control technology allow ruling elites to hold onto power despite the destabilizing effects of their bad decisions — but that technology also allows people to form dissident groups and protect them from intrusive states.


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My novel WALKAWAY is something of a fusion of the best elements of the anti-authoritarian left and the anti-authoritarian right. In a meaty interview with Reason Magazine, I discuss the politics and economics, and theories of human action with Reason magazine Editor in Chief Katherine Mangu-Ward.