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A hand on a multibutton mouse, the body behind it is blurred and out-of-focus; a larger 'DANGER' label in red, white and black, has been superimposed over it.

This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, A Bug in Early Creative Commons Licenses Has Enabled a New Breed of Superpredator about my experience with Pixsy, a new kind of copyright troll that targets Creative Commons users.



Nenad Stojkovic (modified)

CC BY 2.0:

/ / News, Podcast

Poesy and I at a snack bar on a ski slope.

When my daughter Poesy was four, her nursery school let us know that they were shutting down a day before my wife’s office closed for the holidays, leaving us with a childcare problem. Since I worked for myself, I took the day off and brought her to my office, where we recorded a short podcast, singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (a frankly amazing rendition!).

We’ve done it every year since, except for 2016 when I had mic problems. Now she’s 13, and we’ve just recorded our ninth installment, and as always, it was a highlight of my holiday season. This year, our Christmas carol is back, along with a brief interview about her interests and hobbies.

Here’s this year’s recording, and here are the years gone by:


/ / Articles, News, Podcast

Vintage engraving of a dead letter office where postal officials struggle to decipher addressing information; captioned 'Who is it for? A scene in the dead letter office experts trying to decipher an illegible address'.

This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Dead Letters, about the spam wars and they way they’ve led to a corporate enclosure of email, making it nearly impossible to run an independent, standalone newsletter.