This week on my podcast, I read my latest Locus column, Science Fiction is a Luddite Literature about the technological critique the Luddites embodied, the unfair rep they got, and how it applies to today’s tech hellscape.
When my daughter Poesy was four, her nursery school let us know that they were shutting down a day before my wife’s office closed for the holidays, leaving us with a childcare problem. Since I worked for myself, I took the day off and brought her to my office, where we recorded a short podcast, singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (a frankly amazing rendition!).
We’ve done it every year since, except for 2016 when I had mic problems. Now she’s 13, and we’ve just recorded our ninth installment, and as always, it was a highlight of my holiday season. This year, our Christmas carol is back, along with a brief interview about her interests and hobbies.
Here’s this year’s recording, and here are the years gone by:
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Give Me Slack about the many second (and third, and fourth) chances I got as a kid and a student, and how the educational and work system has put paid to them.
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Jam To-Day, about how interoperability is unique among competition remedies in that it does good from day one.
(Image: Oleg Sidorenko, CC BY 2.0, modified)
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Locus column, The Unimaginable, about science fiction, Thatcherism, and imagining a transition to a post-climate-emergency future.
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Against the great forces of history, about what Ada Palmer’s University of Chicago Papal election LARP can teach us about our own future.
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Dead Letters, about the spam wars and they way they’ve led to a corporate enclosure of email, making it nearly impossible to run an independent, standalone newsletter.
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Hope, Not Optimism, articulating a theory of political change that draws on technology, law, social movements and commercial pressure.
It’s my book-birthday! Today marks publication of the Tor (US/Canada) paperback edition of ATTACK SURFACE, a standalone adult Little Brother book.
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Medium column, Take It Back,” on the relationship between copyright reversion, bargaining power, and authors’ rights.