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Many thanks to the good folks who came out to Bellingham’s Village Books for last night’s Walkaway event; tonight, I’ll be appearing in Vancouver before flying home to Burbank for an event at my local Dark Delicacies on Saturday and then going straight to the airport for the start of my UK tour.

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We had a fabulous time last night at Portland’s Powell’s City of Books and now I’m on the runway to fly up to Seattle for tonight’s event at the Neptune Theater with Neal Stephenson (it’s not too late to get tickets!) — then tomorrow I’ll be at Bellingham’s Village Books before heading to the Vancouver Writers’ Festival.

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Yesterday’s Walkaway event at San Diego’s Mysterious Galaxy was terrific (there was birthday cake) and now I’m flying to Portland for an event at Powell’s City of Books tonight with Andy “Waxy” Baio before heading to Seattle for an event with Neal Stephenson at the Neptune Theater, then a stop in Bellingham’s Village Books.

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On Sunday, I’ll be appearing at Chicago’s Volumes Books with Max “Cards Against Humanity” Temkin, as part of the Walkaway tour (which includes stops tonight in Chapel Hill at Flyleaf Books with Mur Lafferty; tomorrow in Cincinnati at Joseph Beth; and more dates in Winnipeg, Denver, Austin, Houston, Scottsdale/Phoenix, San Diego, Portland, Seattle, Bellingham, Vancouver and Burbank, before I head to the UK).