This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Best Defense Against Rubber-Hose Cryptanalysis, which explores the contradiction at the heart of Bitcoin advocacy.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Best Defense Against Rubber-Hose Cryptanalysis, which explores the contradiction at the heart of Bitcoin advocacy.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Byzantine Premium, which explores the contradiction at the heart of Bitcoin advocacy.
(Image: Jakub-gdPL and FAMartin, CC BY-SA 4.0; Delwar Hossain, BD, CC BY 4.0; Jernej Furman, CC BY 2.0; modified)
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, What is “Peak Indifference?” in which I explain my theory of how we change – or fail to change – in the face of wicked problems.
(Image: Cameron Strandberg/CC BY 2.0, modified)
This week on my podcast, I read my latest Locus column, Vertically Challenged, about “how and why to break up Big Tech.”
(Image: Anthony Quintano; CC BY 2.0, modified; Paramount/Star Trek, modified)
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, All (Broadband) Politics Are Local, about the near-miraculous shift in the political will to provide universal fiber to all Americans, and what you can do to spur this process on.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, We Should Not Endure a King: Antitrust is a political cause, not an economic one, addressed to leftists who are skeptical of antitrust as a market-based solution that implictly accepts markets as the legitimate arbiter of our social relations.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Internet Heist (Part III), the third and final part of a three-part series about the early days of the internet copyright wars, when Hollywood studios came within a whisker of getting a veto over all new digital technology.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Internet Heist (Part II), the second part of a three-part series about the early days of the internet copyright wars, when Hollywood studios came within a whisker of getting a veto over all new digital technology.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, The Internet Heist (Part I), the first part of a three-part series about the early days of the internet copyright wars, when Hollywood studios came within a whisker of getting a veto over all new digital technology.
This week on my podcast, I read a recent Medium column, A Bug in Early Creative Commons Licenses Has Enabled a New Breed of Superpredator about my experience with Pixsy, a new kind of copyright troll that targets Creative Commons users.
Nenad Stojkovic (modified)
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