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One of the coolest things about using Creative Commons licenses on my work is how they allow readers to try stuff that I’d never be able to do on my own — like the fan-translations of my stories.

This week, I’ve got news of four more fan-translations of my Radar story Scroogled, which tries to paint a picture of what the world would be like on the day that Google turned evil. The story has been translated into sixteen languages now, including the latest additions:

  • Japanese translation (Takashi Kurata)
  • Japanese translation (Yutaka Ohshima)
  • Slovak translation (Pavol Hvizdos)
  • Turkish translation (Dördüncü Göz)

    Additionally, Pavol Hvizdos (who previously translated my novel Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town and my story Truncat into Slovak) has also translated my story 0wnz0red into Slovak, where he’s translated the title as 0v1adany.