Thanks to everyone who came out to last night’s Walkaway tour-stop at Houston’s Brazos Books; I’m just arriving at the airport to fly to Phoenix for tonight’s event at Scottsdale’s Poisoned Pen Books with Brian David Johnson.
Thanks to everyone who came out to last night’s Walkaway tour-stop at Houston’s Brazos Books; I’m just arriving at the airport to fly to Phoenix for tonight’s event at Scottsdale’s Poisoned Pen Books with Brian David Johnson.
Thanks to everyone who turned up last night for a stellar event at Austin’s Book People! I’m about to head to the airport to fly to Houston, where I’ll appearing tonight at 7PM at Brazos Books, before heading to Scottsdale, AZ for appearance at Poisoned Pen (with Brian David Johnson)>
We had a fantastic event last night at Denver’s Tattered Cover — thanks to everyone, especially the Denhack crew, for making it so great — and now I’m headed to the airport to fly to Austin for an event tonight at Bookpeople with a special guest appearance from EFF-Austin!
Two weeks ago, the excellent Crooked Timbre groupblog kicked off a symposium on my novel Walkaway, inviting ten scholars, practitioners, activists and thinkers to weigh in on the novel with thoughtful, sometimes sharply critical essays.
Thanks to all of you who came out to my tour-stop last night for Walkaway at Winnipeg’s McNally Robinson bookstore — what a fine time we had! Now I’m leaving for the airport to fly to Denver, where I’m appearing at Tattered Cover at 7PM.
Thanks to everyone who’s come out for the Walkaway tour so far! Tonight, I’ll be appearing at Winnipeg’s McNally Robinson bookstore, then it’s off to Denver’s Tattered Cover, Austin’s Book People and Houston’s Brazos Bookstore.
Since the earliest days of my novel-writing career, readers have written to me to thank me for my books and to ask how they can best support me and other writers whose work they enjoy. Nearly 15 years later, I have a pretty comprehensive answer for them!
I have a column in today’s International Business Times: Unchecked Surveillance Technology Is Leading Us Towards Totalitarianism, where I discuss this week’s NYPL event with Edward Snowden and how mass surveillance connects to the themes in my novel Walkaway.
The National Endowment for the Arts podcast recorded a great, wide-ranging interview with me (MP3) about my novel Walkaway and a variety of subjects, from copyright reform to arts funding to the future of the arts and technology.
On Sunday, I’ll be appearing at Chicago’s Volumes Books with Max “Cards Against Humanity” Temkin, as part of the Walkaway tour (which includes stops tonight in Chapel Hill at Flyleaf Books with Mur Lafferty; tomorrow in Cincinnati at Joseph Beth; and more dates in Winnipeg, Denver, Austin, Houston, Scottsdale/Phoenix, San Diego, Portland, Seattle, Bellingham, Vancouver and Burbank, before I head to the UK).