/ / Attack Surface, News, Podcast

The Attack Surface Lectures were a series of eight panel discussions on the themes in Cory Doctorow’s novel Attack Surface, each hosted by a different bookstore and each accompanied by a different pair of guest speakers.

This program is “Cyberpunk and Post-Cyberpunk,” hosted by Anderson’s Books in Naperville, IL, with guest-hosts Bruce Sterling and Christopher Brown. It was recorded on October 19, 2020.

Here is the original Youtube link for this program. Please consider subscribing to Anderson’s Youtube channel for access to all their outstanding author events!


/ / Attack Surface, News, Podcast

The Attack Surface Lectures were a series of eight panel discussions on the themes in my’s novel Attack Surface, each hosted by a different bookstore and each accompanied by a different pair of guest speakers.

This program is “​​Intersectionality: Race, Surveillance, and Tech and Its History,” hosted by The Booksmith in San Francisco, with guest-hosts Malkia Devich-Cyril and Meredith Whittaker​​. It was recorded on October 15, 2020.

Here is the original Youtube link for this program. Please consider subscribing to The Booksmith’s Youtube channel for access to all their outstanding author events!


/ / News

The Attack Surface Lectures were a series of eight panel discussions on the themes in my novel Attack Surface, each hosted by a different bookstore and each accompanied by a different pair of guest speakers.

1. Politics and Protest with Ron Deibert (Citizen Lab) and Eva Galperin (EFF)

Strand Bookstore, October 13, 2020

Original Youtube link.


2. Cross-Media SF with John Rogers (Leverage) and Amber Benson (Buffy)

Brookline Booksmith, October 14, 2020

Original Youtube link


3. Intersectionality: Race, Surveillance, and Tech and Its History with Malkia Devich-Cyril (Media Justice) and Meredith Whittaker​​ (AI Now)

The Booksmith, October 15, 2020

Original Youtube link


4. Sci-Fi Genre with Sarah Gailey (Upright Women Wanted) and Chuck Wendig (Wanderers)

Fountain books, October 16, 2020

Original Youtube link


5. Cyberpunk and Post Cyberpunk with Bruce Sterling (Pirate Utopia) and Christopher Brown (Failed State)

Anderson’s, October 19, 2020

Original Youtube link


6. Tech in SF with Annalee Newitz (Four Lost Cities) and Ken Liu (The Grace of Kings)

Interabang, October 20, 2020

Original Youtube link


7. Little Revolutions with Tochi Onyebuchi (Riot Baby) and Bethany C Morrow (A Song Below Water)

Skylight Books, October 21, 2020

Original Crowdcast link


8. Opsec and Personal Cybersecurity with Runa Sandvik (Tor Project) and Window Snyder (Square)

Third Place Books, October 22, 2020

Original Youtube link


/ / Attack Surface, News, Podcast

The Attack Surface Lectures were a series of eight panel discussions on the themes in my’s novel Attack Surface, each hosted by a different bookstore and each accompanied by a different pair of guest speakers.

This program is “Politics and Protest,” hosted by The Strand in NYC, with guest-hosts Eva Galperin and Ron Deibert. It was recorded on October 13, 2020.

Here is the original Youtube link for this program. Please consider subscribing to The Strand’s Youtube channel for access to all their outstanding author events!


/ / News, Podcast

Here’s part twenty of my new reading of my novel Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town (you can follow all the installments, as well as the reading I did in 2008/9, here).

This is easily the weirdest novel I ever wrote. Gene Wolfe (RIP) gave me an amazing quote for it: “Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town is a glorious book, but there are hundreds of those. It is more. It is a glorious book unlike any book you’ve ever read.”

Here’s how my publisher described it when it came out:

Alan is a middle-aged entrepeneur who moves to a bohemian neighborhood of Toronto. Living next door is a young woman who reveals to him that she has wings—which grow back after each attempt to cut them off.

Alan understands. He himself has a secret or two. His father is a mountain, his mother is a washing machine, and among his brothers are sets of Russian nesting dolls.

Now two of the three dolls are on his doorstep, starving, because their innermost member has vanished. It appears that Davey, another brother who Alan and his siblings killed years ago, may have returned, bent on revenge.

Under the circumstances it seems only reasonable for Alan to join a scheme to blanket Toronto with free wireless Internet, spearheaded by a brilliant technopunk who builds miracles from scavenged parts. But Alan’s past won’t leave him alone—and Davey isn’t the only one gunning for him and his friends.

Whipsawing between the preposterous, the amazing, and the deeply felt, Cory Doctorow’s Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town is unlike any novel you have ever read.


/ / News, Podcast

Here’s part nineteen of my new reading of my novel Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town (you can follow all the installments, as well as the reading I did in 2008/9, here).

This is easily the weirdest novel I ever wrote. Gene Wolfe (RIP) gave me an amazing quote for it: “Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town is a glorious book, but there are hundreds of those. It is more. It is a glorious book unlike any book you’ve ever read.”

Some show notes:

Here’s the form for getting a free Little Brother story, “Force Multiplier” by pre-ordering the print edition of Attack Surface (US/Canada only)

Here’s the schedule for the Attack Surface lectures

Here’s the list of schools and other institutions in need of donated copies of Attack Surface.

Here’s the form to request a copy of Attack Surface for schools, libraries, classrooms, etc.

Here’s how my publisher described it when it came out:

Alan is a middle-aged entrepeneur who moves to a bohemian neighborhood of Toronto. Living next door is a young woman who reveals to him that she has wings—which grow back after each attempt to cut them off.

Alan understands. He himself has a secret or two. His father is a mountain, his mother is a washing machine, and among his brothers are sets of Russian nesting dolls.

Now two of the three dolls are on his doorstep, starving, because their innermost member has vanished. It appears that Davey, another brother who Alan and his siblings killed years ago, may have returned, bent on revenge.

Under the circumstances it seems only reasonable for Alan to join a scheme to blanket Toronto with free wireless Internet, spearheaded by a brilliant technopunk who builds miracles from scavenged parts. But Alan’s past won’t leave him alone—and Davey isn’t the only one gunning for him and his friends.

Whipsawing between the preposterous, the amazing, and the deeply felt, Cory Doctorow’s Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town is unlike any novel you have ever read.


/ / News, Podcast

SRSLY WRONG is a leftist/futuristic podcast incorporating sketches in long-form episodes; I became aware of them last year when Michael Pulsford recommended their series on “library socialism”, an idea I was so stricken by that it made its way into The Lost Cause, a novel I’m writing now. The Wrong Boys invited me on for an episode (Stop Techno Dystopia!) (MP3) as part of the Attack Surface tour and it came out so, so good! Thanks, Wrong Boys!

/ / News, Podcast

A million years ago, I set sail on the Writing Excuses Cruise, a writing workshop at sea. As part of that workshop, I sat down with the Writing Excuses podcast team (Mary Robinette Kowal, Piper J Drake, and Howard Taylor) and recorded a series of short episodes explaining my approach to writing. I had clean forgotten that they saved one to coincide with the release of Attack Surface, until this week’s episode went live (MP3). Listening to it today, I discovered that it was incredibly entertaining!

/ / Little Brother, News

Science Fiction Cirklen is a member-funded co-op of Danish science fiction fans; they raise money to produce print translations of sf novels that Danes would otherwise have to read in English. They work together to translate the work, commission art, and pay to have the book printed and distributed to bookstores in order to get it into Danish hands.

The SFC folks just released their Danish edition of Little Brother — translated by Lea Thume — as a Creative Commons licensed epub file, including the cover art they produced for their edition.

I’m so delighted by this! My sincere thanks to the SFC people for bringing my work to their country, and I hope someday we can toast each other in Copenhagen.

/ / Attack Surface, News

It’s been 12 years since I went on my first book tour and in the years since, I’ve met and spoken with tens of thousands of readers in hundreds of cities on five continents in support of more than a dozen books.

Now I’ve got another major book coming out: ATTACK SURFACE.

How do you tour a book during a pandemic? I think we’re still figuring that out. I’ll tell you one thing, I won’t be leaving Los Angeles this time around. Instead, my US publisher, Tor Books, has set up eight remote “Attack Surface Lectures.”


Each event has a different theme and different guest-hosts/co-discussants, chosen both for their expertise and their ability to discuss their subjects in ways that are fascinating and engaging.

ATTACK SURFACE is the third Little Brother book, a standalone book for adults.

It stars Masha, a young woman who is finally reckoning with the moral character of the work she’s done, developing surveillance tools to fight Iraqi insurgents and ex-Soviet democracy activists.

Masha has struggled with her work for years, compartmentalizing her qualms, rationalizing her way into worse situations.

She goes home to San Francisco and discovers her best friend, a BLM activist, is being targeted by the surveillance weapons Masha herself invented.

What follows is a Little Brother-style technothriller, full of rigorous description and extrapolation on cybersecurity, surveillance and resistance, that illuminates the tale of a tech worker grappling with their own life’s work.

Obviously, this covers a lot of ground, as is reflected in the eight nights of talks we’re announcing today:

I. Politics & Protest, Oct 13, with Eva Galperin and Ron Deibert, hosted by The Strand Bookstore

II. Cross-Medium SciFi, Oct 14, with Amber Benson and John Rogers, hosted by Brookline Booksmith

III. ​​Intersectionality: Race, Surveillance, and Tech and Its History, Oct 15, with Malkia Cyril and Meredith Whittaker, hosted by Booksmith

IV. SciFi Genre, Oct 16, with Sarah Gailey and Chuck Wendig, hosted by Fountain Books

V. Cyberpunk and Post-Cyberpunk, Oct 19, with Bruce Sterling and Christopher Brown, hosted by Andeersons Bookshop

VI. Tech in SciFi, Oct 20, with Ken Liu and Annalee Newitz, hosted by Interabang

VII. Little Revolutions, Oct 21, with Tochi Onyebuchi and Bethany C Morrow, hosted by Skylight Books

VIII. OpSec & Personal Cyber-Security: How Can You Be Safe?, Oct 22, with Runa Sandvik and Window Snyder, hosted by Third Place Books

Some of the events come with either a hardcover and a signed bookplate, or, with some stores, actual signed books.

(those stores’ stock is being shipped to my house, and I’m signing after each event and mailing out from here)

(yes, really)

I’ve never done anything like this and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about it. Book tours are crazy marathons – I did 35 cities in 3 countries in 45 days for Walkaway a couple years ago – and this is an entirely different kind of thing.

But I’m also (very) excited. Revisiting Little Brother after seven years is quite an experience. ATTACK SURFACE – a book about uprisings, police-state tactics, and the digital tools as oppressors and liberators – is (unfortunately) very timely.

Having an excuse to talk about this book and its themes with you all – and with so many distinguished and brilliant guests – is going to keep me sane next month. I really hope you can make it.