Mr K, a NYC high-school English teacher in a “high poverty” school is raising money to buy a set of copies of my book Little Brother for his grade nine students, who “do so uncritically with very little knowledge of their rights as users, architects.” I’m humbled and honored by Mr K’s faith in my book to help his students, and I’ve contributed to the project. One of my readers, Chris Holmes, is growing a mustache to support Mr K’s kids — who knew facial hair could do so much good!
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Hey, German Little Brother fans! The Rowohlt German edition of the book has been short-listed for LovelyBooks’s Leserpreis –die besten Buecher 2010, and you can vote for it!
Santiago Benejam Torres converted Axxon’s fan-translation of Little Brother to ePub, and is making it available gratis on his site. Thanks, Santiago!
Update: I’ve just heard from Eduardo Hojman, my editor at Puck, that the Spanish edition of Little Brother will be published on March 7, under the title, “PEQUEÑO HERMANO”! It’ll be distributed worldwide — through Spain and Latin America.
The Serbian edition of my novel Little Brother has just been published by Profil Knjiga!
A high-school in Phoenix, Arizona is mounting a production of the theatrical adaptation of my novel Little Brother (this is the same script that was mounted for the 2008 performances in Chicago, written by Bill Massolia). They’re doing a three-night run, starting tomorrow — tickets are still available.
Corrinne Hite is a fifteen-year-old singer/songwriter who has just finished an album of songs based on the novels she loves. She’s done me the honor of writing a song based on my novel Little Brother: stream it here.
Corrine’s band, CORY & THE TIGERMEN, is in the SchoolJamsUSA finals (northeast region). US residents can vote for her — she’d have my vote if I was eligible!
The Argentine sf zine Axxón has produced a Spanish noncommercial fan-translation of my novel Little Brother, using Argentine idiom.
En esta historia se utilizan muchos términos relacionados con la informática y la tecnología de las comunicaciones. Estimo que los lectores de Axxón están familiarizados con casi todos en su idioma original, el inglés; por este motivo y porque las traducciones al castellano de esos términos difieren según el país del que se trate, tomé la decisión de dejar los más comunes sin traducir. En cuanto a la terminología poco frecuente, en algunos casos el autor explica a qué se refiere y en otros incluí aclaraciones mías insertadas en el texto, esto último teniendo en cuenta que Cory Doctorow ha autorizado explícitamente cualquier modificación de esta obra que apunte a su mejor comprensión, ya que ha sido escrita con una intención específica que el propio autor expresa en la Introducción.
“Hermano menor” (Introducción y Capítulo 1), Cory Doctorow
(Image: Ilustración para la novela “Hermano menor”, Valeria Uccelli)
Update: I’ve just heard from Eduardo Hojman, my editor at Puck, that the Spanish edition of Little Brother will be published on March 7, under the title, “PEQUEÑO HERMANO”! It’ll be distributed worldwide — through Spain and Latin America.
Hey, Germans! Next Monday, I leave for a ten-day tour of Deutschland with the German edition of Little Brother. At my urging, my publisher Rowohlt has set an insane pace so that I get to as many places as possible. I’m coming to Hamburg, Braunschweig, Köln, Seeheim-Jugenheim, Erding and Göttingen.
I wrap up with two days in Amsterdam, where I’m appearing at Picnic and doing an event for the Bits of Freedom activist group, in honor of the launch for the Dutch edition of Makers.
Can’t wait to see you!
A group of Iranian activists abroad and in Iran have produced a professional translation of my novel Little Brother and have released it online with the hope that it will be of interest to Iran’s online activists. I’ve written an introduction to the edition on online activism and dissidence. It was a volunteer-led project, but they paid the translator (whose identity is a not publicly disclosed at this time), and are asking for donations to help defray the cost.
We are pleased to announce that the first version of the Persian edition of “Little Brother” by Cory Doctorow is available for download now.The translation of the book is licensed under the Creative Commons Atrribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. Little Brother (in English) can be downloaded for free from Cory’s website.
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Here’s an interview I conducted with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz on the occasion of the Hebrew publication of Little Brother.
בראיון טלפוני עמו מתגלה דוקטורוב כאדם חריף ומהיר מחשבה. הוא מודה כי הוא לחוץ במעט מאחר שעליו להשלים כתיבה של שני ספרים אבל הדבר לא מונע ממנו לענות תשובות מנומקות.
כשהוא נשאל כיצד הוא אמור להתפרנס מספרו אם הוא ניתן להורדה חינם באינטרנט, הוא עונה כי “בכך שאני מאפשר הפצת ספרים בחינם יותר קוראים פוטנציאליים נחשפים אליהם. כפי שטים אוריילי (פעיל בתנועות למען קוד פתוח, א”ש) נוהג לומר, הסכנה לאמן היא לא פיראטיות, אלא אנונימיות”.