/ / News

I’ve just put up the site for my latest book, a slim chapbook in PM Press’s Outspoken Authors series called The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow. The book contains a novella (“There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow/Now is the Best Time of Your Life”), an essay on futurism, the transcript of a lecture on copyright and creativity, and a wide-ranging interview with Terry Bisson. As with all my books, it’s available as a CC-licensed download in a number of formats, and I’m looking for libraries and schools who’d like free hardcopies bought for them from downloaders who want to pay me back for the ebooks. I really like how this little book came out, and it’s as good an introduction to my work and beliefs as you’re likely to find.


Kirkus Reviews

He’s got the modern world, in all its Googled, Friendstered and PDA-d glory, completely sussed.

Kirkus Reviews

Montreal Gazette

Doctorow shows us life from the point-of-view of the plugged-in generation and makes it feel like a totally alien world.

Montreal Gazette

Publishers Weekly

Doctorow demonstrates how memorably the outrageous and the everyday can coexist.

Publishers Weekly


Doctorow uses science fiction as a kind of cultural WD-40, loosening hinges and dissolving adhesions to peer into some of society’s unlighted corners.

New York Times

/ / News, The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

I was delighted an honored to be invited to join PM Press’s roster of Outspoken Authors, a collection of slim volumes of fiction, argument, and dialogue from writers who indulge in a little polemic with our fiction.

I’m often asked whether I see myself as an activist first, or a science fiction writer. I don’t see much of a meaningful distinction. Science fiction writers are rotten at predicting the future (our track record is about the same as you’d get by throwing darts into a pitch-black Olympic stadium carpetted with futuristic predictions generated by Markoff chains). But we’re all of us trying to influence the future, or the present, or our view of the past. Writing about humanity’s relationship with technology is an activist pursuit, because it requires that you take a stand on how things really are, or ought to be. We live in a technological society, and it is impossible to write about technological change without writing about social change.

So here’s my contribution to the world of Outspoken Authordom — a novella, an essay, and an interview. They’re as good an introduction to my work and sensibility as you’re likely to find. I hope you’ll enjoy them — and consider joining the fight for the future.

/ / News, Podcast

Here’s a reading of my essay Saying Information Wants to Be Free Does More Harm Than Good, just reprinted in my second essay collection Context: Further Selected Essays on Productivity, Creativity, Parenting, and Politics in the 21st Century.

Mastering by John Taylor Williams: wryneckstudio@gmail.com

John Taylor Williams is a full-time self-employed audio engineer, producer, composer, and sound designer. In his free time, he makes beer, jewelry, odd musical instruments and furniture. He likes to meditate, to read and to cook.

MP3 Link



There are many writers whose books I love, but to me being a “fan” implies more than just having an appreciation for a writer’s creative output. It includes a few less tangible qualities, like the author being an interesting person and having a relevant blog and maybe even occasionally “doing the right thing.” Your definition of what constitutes interesting, relevant and right will obviously affect all of this, but for me Cory Doctorow is one of those people, and Context is a great example of why he’s more than just a great novelist. If you’ve enjoyed one or more of his novels in the past, Context is a good way to sample some of the other consistently entertaining information Cory Doctorow emits on a regular basis.

Stefan Raets, Tor.com