/ / Futuristic Tales Of The Here And Now

IDW adapted six of my short stories for comic book, publishing them as singles in 2007. In 2008, they published the full collection in a single set of covers, and I released them as a Creative Commons download under the Attribution-ShareAlike-Noncommercial license. Collected in this volume are adaptations of my award-winning stories “Craphound,” “Anda’s Game,” “When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth,” “After the Siege,” “I, Robot” and “Nimby and the D-Hoppers.”

“Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now” on Amazon
Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now on Barnes and Noble
Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now on Books-A-Million

Free downloads of “Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now”

/ / Futuristic Tales Of The Here And Now, News

IDW have just published the collected issues of “Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now,” a six-edition series of comics adapted from my short stories by an incredibly talented crew of writers, artists, inkers and letterers (and I do mean incredible: Dara Naraghi, Esteve Polls, Sam Keith, Robert Studio, J.C. Vaughn, Daniel Warner, Scott Morse, Paul McCaffrey, Paul Pope, Dan Taylor, Dustin Evans, Ben Templesmith, Erich Owens, Ashley Wood, James Anthony Kuhoric, Guiu Vilanova, German Torres, Danny Parsons, Robbie Robbins, Neil Uyetake, Chris Mowry, and Amauri Osorio).

As with all of my books, this one is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike-NonCommercial license, meaning you can copy it, share it, remix it and play with it, provided it’s on a non-commercial basis. I’ve uploaded the full book in high resolution as a PDF and CBR file to the Internet Archive, for your downloading pleasure.

Collected in this volume are adaptations of my award-winning stories “Craphound,” “Anda’s Game,” “When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth,” “After the Siege,” “I, Robot” and “Nimby and the D-Hoppers.”

Have at it!

Link to “Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now” on Amazon
Link to free downloads of “Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now”

/ / News

Reminder: I’ll be the guest of honour at the Swedish national science fiction convention, SweCon, in Linköping, Sweden, next weekend! Hope to see you there:

Swecon 2008 – ConFuse 2008
The Swedish National
Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention 2008
Guest of Honour
Cory Doctorow

Date: 13-15 June 2008
Venue: Ryds Herrgård, Linköping, Sweden


/ / Little Brother, News

Have you used technology to overcome the odds when fighting back against authority? I’d love to hear about it!

The UK edition of my young adult novel Little Brother is coming out next November, and HarperCollins, the UK publisher, have asked me to come up with some new material for the British book. I’m noodling with a bunch of different ideas on this score, but one of my favourites is of compiling an appendix of real-world stories of people who’ve successfully used technology to subvert authority and level the playing field between just-regular-folks and The Powers That Be.

To that end, I’m interested in getting your stories — ones that you’re happy to have published — of technological triumph over blind, goofy, obdurate authority. Post them here on the post or email me with them. If I get enough great material, I’ll make it an appendix in the Brit edition!

/ / Little Brother, News

Ian sends word of the ParanoidLinux project, inspired by the Linux distro used by the freedom fighters in my novel, Little Brother:

Paranoid Linux is an operating system that assumes that its operator is under assault from the government (it was intended for use by Chinese and Syrian dissidents), and it does everything it can to keep your communications and documents a secret. It even throws up a bunch of “chaff” communications that are supposed to disguise the fact that you’re doing anything covert. So while you’re receiving a political message one character at a time, ParanoidLinux is pretending to surf the Web and fill in questionnaires and flirt in chat-rooms. Meanwhile, one in every five hundred characters you receive is your real message, a needle buried in a huge haystack.
~Cory Doctorow (Little Brother, 2008)

When those words were written, ParanoidLinux was just a fiction. It is our goal to make this a reality. The project officially started on May 14th, and has been growing ever since. We welcome your ideas, contributions, designs, or code. You can find us on freenode’s irc server in the #paranoidlinux channel. Hope to see you there!


(Thanks, Ian!)

/ / Little Brother, News

Remember four weeks ago when I told you that my young adult novel Little Brother made the New York Times bestseller list? Well, I’ve just heard from my publisher that it’s about to go into its fourth week on the list, having climbed to position eight! Color me ecstatic! My sincere thanks to all of you who talked about the book, gave it to your friends, sent it to teachers and librarians, and downloaded it — you all helped make this the first-ever Creative Commons-licensed novel to get on the NYT list!