/ / News, Stories

This story appears in my collection Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present, 2007

Baen’s Universe, August 2006
The Rake, December 2006

Podcast: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth“>Full cast radio drama, QN Podcast

French fan-translation, courtesy of Zen le Renard (Text, HTML)

Spanish tranlsation (Axxon)

Italian Translation (Fantascienze, Dec 2007)

I started writing When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth on July 6th, 2005, while teaching Clarion. The next day, the London Underground and busses were bombed, including the bus I rode to work every morning (I was in Michigan, teaching Clarion, thankfully). These kinds of coincidences can be spooky when you’re a writer. I ended up putting the story away for some months.

When I returned to it, I was fired anew with the story of Felix and Van and their vainglorious struggle to keep the servers online as the world went offline. Once created, apocalyptic anxiety can’t be destroyed — the 1980s fear of nuclear annihilation I grew up with surfaces anew with each theoretical disaster: Y2K, climate change, und so weiter. There’s something primal about a story of the Earth’s impending doom.

I was a sysadmin at an earlier stage in my career and I have infinite respect for the field: sysadmins are the secret masters of the universe, and they keep your life running.


/ / News, Stories

This story appears in my collection Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present, 2007

Flurb Magazine, August 2006

Podcast: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

This story came to me while I was 20 meters down the reef-wall in the Coral Sea, off the coast of northern Australia. I think a turtle was involved.

The good ship “Spirit of Freedom” is the model for the “Free Spirit,” the ship in this tale. As far as I know, neither it nor its ship’s boats are sentient.

If I return to this theme, it will be with a story about uplifted cheese sandwiches, called “I, Rarebit.”

“I, Row-Boat” is a riff on my Hugo-nominated story I, Robot, and it concerns the theological wars between an Asimov-cultist AI boat and an uplifted coral-reef.


/ / News

I’ll be giving a free public talk to kick off my Fulbright Chair at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center on Public Diplomacy — hope you can make it!

When: Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 12:00 PM

Where: University of Southern California, Annenberg Center, Room 207, 3502 Watt Way, LA CA

/ / News, Stories

Winner, 2008 Locus Award for Best Novella

This story appears in my collection Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present, 2007

Elsi (Russian translation), Summer 2006
The Infinite Matrix, January 2007
Comic book in Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now, June 2008

Podcast, Subterranean Press, read by Mary Robinette Kowal, June 2008
Podcast: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

Listeners to my podcast heard me read this story, After the Siege, as it was written, shortly after returning home from a family trip to St Petersburg. My grandmother was born there, back when it was Leningrad, and she lived through the Siege of Leningrad as a little girl. She’d never talked to us about those years, but then, walking through Petersburg, she opened up and the stories came pouring out, stories that scared and appalled me. After the Siege is a science fictional re-telling of those stories, with much artistic license.

I gave first publication rights to this story to Esli, the Russian sf magazine that had published some of my stories in translation before. In return, Elsi has given me the Russian text to release under a Creative Commons license. The first English publication will come shortly in the online magazine The Infinite Matrix, which published my story I, Robot and other pieces.

/ / News

Websense, an Internet censorship company that I’ve criticized here, has apparently decided to punish me by censoring every podcast I’ve ever made. The files are hosted on the Internet Archive, and consist of me reading non-pornographic, award-winning science fiction stories. It’s hard to believe that someone accidentally mistook these files for “free software download” (the category that Websense has used, one that is selected for blocking by many corporate and school customers); as between that explanation and the notion that Websense has sought petty revenge against its critics, the latter is more credible to me.

I spoke with Cas Purdy, the Websense PR manager, but he was unable to provide any information or comment at this time.

(Thanks, Salim!)

Update: Websense added all of archive.org/download to its “free software download” category after this post was published.

Update 2: Websense has reclassified the Internet Archive and my podcast. This morning, archive.org/download was not classed as “Software Download,” but archive.org/download/ (with trailing slash) was, hence the appearance that my podcasts had been singled out. Websense has since reclassified all of the Internet Archive, including my podcasts, as “Search Engines and Portals.”

(Thanks, Salim!)

/ / News

This year’s World Science Fiction Convention starts a week Thursday, on August 24th, in LA. I’m doing a bunch of programming this year, as well as dusting off my tuxedo for the Hugo Awards ceremony, where I’m a finalist for my story I, Robot. I’m doing several signings, as well, but if you can’t make it to WorldCon, you can pre-order custom-inscribed signed copies (with free US shipping, too!) from Borderlands Books. Hope to see you at the WorldCon!

Thu, Aug 24

* 11AM: Sign at Asimov’s table, dealers’ room

* 2PM: Sign at Borderlands table, dealers’ room

* 4PM: Podcasting Science Fiction, with Stephen Eley, Paul Fischer and Evo Terra

Fri, Aug 25:

* 1PM: Bloggers as Public Intellectuals, with Kevin Drum, MaryAnn Johanson, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden and Phil Plait

* 3PM: Autographing

* 5:30: Can Science Fiction Change the World? with David Brin, Sean McMullen, Craig Newmark and Cecilia Tan

Sat, Aug 26:

* 1PM: Open Source Software, with Andrew Adams, Loretta McKibben and Eric S. Raymond

* 4PM: The Singularity — What Is It And Why Should You Care? with Todd McCaffrey, David F. McMahon, MD, Mark L. Olson and Toni Weisskopf

Sun, Aug 27:

1PM: Kaffeeklatsch

2PM: Reading

(Thumbnail of Hugo Award from a larger image on an AwardWeb page)