/ / Little Brother, News

Today’s the last day of the Bay Area leg of my book tour for my young adult novel Little Brother. This afternoon, it’s the Los Altos Library Main Branch and tonight, the wonderful Borderlands Books in San Francisco. Hope you’ll make it!

Los Altos Main Library, Los Altos, CA
13 South San Antonio Rd
Los Altos, CA 94022
* Event held in conjunction with Linden Tree Children’s Books
Thursday, May 22, 2008
4:00 pm

Borderlands, San Francisco, CA
Thursday, May 22, 2008
866 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

7:00 pm

Link to tour schedule

/ / Little Brother, News

I’m in San Francisco now, on my book tour for my young adult novel Little Brother. Today, I’m at Cody’s Books and Dark Carnival in Berkeley, and tomorrow I’m at the Los Altos Library Main Branch and Borderlands Books in San Francisco. Hope you’ll make it!

Dark Carnival, Berkeley, CA
3086 Claremont Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94706
(510) 654-7232

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
5:30 pm

Cody’s Books Inc., Berkeley, CA

2201 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
7:00 pm

Link to tour schedule

/ / Little Brother, News

Instructables has just posted the latest installment in its ongoing series of HOWTOs inspired by my young adult novel Little Brother. This week, they tackle the all-important skill of lying to authority figures.

There are certain tells that can give away that someone is lying. For instance, when my dad lies he gets all bug-eyed. In fact, many people do that.

To keep from giving yourself away the first thing you want to do is keep eye contact with the person you are talking to. Unless, you are one of those freaks that never make eye contact with anyone. Then, whatever you do, don’t make eye contact.

The best way to make eye contact is to focus on an imaginary spot somewhere to the left of their head around their left ear. This will seem like you are looking straight at them.

Keep a neutral and relaxed posture and don’t do anything that would make you seem nervous like shake or scratch your neck. I like to stay relaxed by singing Irish folk songs to myself. The kind of song that goes on and on and on.

Link, Link to feed of Little Brother Instructables

/ / Little Brother, News

We’ve just announced the first of two events in New York as part of the book tour for my young adult novel Little Brother: a charity fundraiser for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at the nightclub Comix. The CBLDF is a fantastic organization who work tirelessly to defend comics professionals, distributors and retailers from laws that censor the content of comics (often in response to the decades-old moral panic that comics are warping the morals of our children). I’m an annual donor to CBLDF and it tickles me to be able to support them in other ways.

There’s going to be one other New York event, a free reading at a midtown bookstore, that I’ll be announcing in the next day or so. I hope I see you at one or both events!

On May 25 join Cory Doctorow to celebrate the premiere of LITTLE BROTHER, his New York Times Best Selling Young Adult Fiction debut! Cory will present an all-ages reading & Q&A to benefit the First Amendment legal work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!

Addressing internet and government security, censorship, and civil liberties in a post-9/11 atmosphere, LITTLE BROTHER tackles timely issues while telling a smart, funny, and jam-packed-with-pop culture story…

Proceeds from this event will benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. The CBLDF provides legal defense on behalf of artists, retailers, and librarians facing criminal and civil prosecution for First Amendment related actions. The Fund also fights unconstitutional legislation that threatens First Amendment rights. Most recently, the CBLDF won a three year legal battle in Georgia, where Gordon Lee, a retailer, faced up to two years in prison for allegedly distributing a comic book containing drawings of Picasso in the nude to a minor. All charges were dismissed, but only after more than three years and $100,000 of CBLDF resources were spent to prove Lee’s innocence..

Link, Link to tour schedule