/ / Little Brother, News, Remixes

PMOG — the Passively Multiplayer Online Game — has two missions for Little Brother. PMOG is a game you play by scavenger-hunting the web, while your browser keeps track of where you go and what you do. It lets you lay traps for other players and score points by luring them in. One of the missions (How I Read Little Brother) was created by my friend Justin Hall, who co-founded PMOG, and the other (Why read Little Brother?) was created by a fan, Treekyte. Both seem like a lot of fun!

/ / Little Brother, News, Remixes

Bill Clementson turned the bibliography at the end of the book into a hyperlinked file, making it easy to follow the references. Here it is — I’ve also updated the HTML version to include the info. Thanks, Bill!

No writer creates from scratch — we all engage in what Isaac Newton called
“standing on the shoulders of giants.”
We borrow, plunder and remix the art and culture created by those around us and by our literary forebears.

If you liked this book and want to learn more, there are plenty of sources to turn to, online and at your local library or bookstore.

is a great subject. All science relies on telling other people what you’ve done so that they can verify it, learn from it, and improve on it, and hacking is all about that process, so there’s plenty published on the subject.

Start with Andrew “Bunnie” Huang’s

“Hacking the Xbox,” (No Starch Press, 2003) a wonderful book that tells the story of how Bunnie, then a student at MIT, reverse-engineered the Xbox’s anti-tampering mechanisms and opened the way for all the subsequent cool hacks for the platform. In telling the story, Bunnie has also created a kind of Bible for reverse engineering and hardware hacking.

Bruce Schneier’s
“Secrets and Lies”
(Wiley, 2000) and
“Beyond Fear”
(Copernicus, 2003) are the definitive lay-person’s texts on understanding security and thinking critically about it, while his
“Applied Cryptography”
(Wiley, 1995) remains the authoritative source for understanding crypto. Bruce maintains an excellent

blog and mailing list at schneier.com/blog. Crypto and security are the realm of the talented amateur, and the
movement is full of kids, home-makers, parents, lawyers, and every other stripe of person, hammering away on security protocols and ciphers.

There are several great magazines devoted to this subject, but the two best ones are
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
, which is full of pseudonymous, boasting accounts of hacks accomplished, and O’Reilly’s
MAKE magazine
, which features solid HOWTOs for making your own hardware projects at home.

The online world overflows with material on this subject, of course. Ed Felten and Alex J Halderman’s

Freedom to Tinker (www.freedom-to-tinker.com) is a blog maintained by two fantastic Princeton engineering profs who write lucidly about security, wiretapping, anti-copying technology and crypto.

Don’t miss Natalie Jeremijenko’s
“Feral Robotics”
at UC San Diego (xdesign.ucsd.edu/feralrobots/). Natalie and her students rewire toy robot dogs from Toys R Us and turn them into bad-ass toxic-waste detectors. They unleash them on public parks where big corporations have dumped their waste and demonstrate in media-friendly fashion how toxic the ground is.

Like many of the hacks in this book, the tunneling-over-DNS stuff is real. Dan Kaminsky, a tunneling expert of the first water, published details in 2004 (

The guru of “citizen journalism” is Dan Gillmor, who is presently running Center for Citizen Media at Harvard and UC Berkeley — he also wrote a hell of a book on the subject,

“We, the Media” (O’Reilly, 2004).

If you want to learn more about hacking arphids, start with Annalee Newitz’s Wired Magazine article
“The RFID Hacking Underground”
(www.wirednews.com/wired/archive/14.05/rfid.html). Adam Greenfield’s
(New Riders Press, 2006) is a chilling look at the dangers of a world of arphids.

Neal Gershenfeld’s
Fab Lab at MIT (fab.cba.mit.edu)
is hacking out the world’s first real, cheap “3D printers” that can pump out any object you can dream of. This is documented in Gershenfeld’s excellent book on the subject,

“Fab” (Basic Books, 2005).

Bruce Sterling’s
“Shaping Things”
(MIT Press, 2005) shows how arphids and fabs could be used to force companies to build products that don’t poison the world.

Speaking of Bruce Sterling, he wrote the first great book on hackers and the law,
“The Hacker Crackdown”
(Bantam, 1993), which is also the first book published by a major publisher that was released on the Internet at the same time (copies abound; see
for one). It was reading this book that turned me on to the

Electronic Frontier Foundation, where I was privileged to work for four years.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (www.eff.org)
is a charitable membership organization with a student rate. They spend the money that private individuals give them to keep the Internet safe for personal liberty, free speech, due process, and the rest of the Bill of Rights. They’re the Internet’s most effective freedom fighters, and you can join the struggle just by signing up for
their mailing list
and writing to your elected officials when they’re considering selling you out in the name of fighting terrorism, piracy, the mafia, or whatever bogeyman has caught their attention today. EFF also helps maintain
TOR, The Onion Router
, which is a real technology you can use right now to get out of your government, school or library’s censoring firewall (

EFF has a huge, deep website with amazing information aimed at a general audience, as do the
American Civil Liberties Union (aclu.org)
Public Knowledge (publicknowledge.org)
FreeCulture (freeculture.org)
Creative Commons (creativecommons.org)
— all of which also are worthy of your support.
is an international student movement that actively recruits kids to found their own local chapters at their high schools and universities. It’s a great way to get involved and make a difference.

A lot of websites chronicle the fight for cyberliberties, but few go at it with the verve of
Slashdot, “News for Nerds, Stuff That Matters” (slashdot.org)

And of course, you have to visit
, the collaborative, net-authored encyclopedia that anyone can edit, with more than 1,000,000 entries in English alone. Wikipedia covers hacking and counterculture in astonishing depth and with amazing, up-to-the-nanosecond currency. One caution: you can’t just look at the entries in Wikipedia. It’s really important to look at the “History” and “Discussion” links at the top of every Wikipedia page to see how the current version of the truth was arrived at, get an appreciation for the competing points-of-view there, and decide for yourself whom you trust.

If you want to get at some real forbidden knowledge, have a skim around
Cryptome (cryptome.org)
, the world’s most amazing archive of secret, suppressed and liberated information. Cryptome’s brave publishers collect material that’s been pried out of the state by Freedom of Information Act requests or leaked by whistle-blowers and publishes it.

The best fictional account of the history of crypto is, hands-down, Neal Stephenson’s

Cryptonomicon (Avon, 2002). Stephenson tells the story of
Alan Turing
and the Nazi Enigma Machine, turning it into a gripping war-novel that you won’t be able to put down.

Pirate Party
mentioned in Little Brother is real and thriving in Sweden (
), Denmark, the USA and France at the time of this writing (July, 2006). They’re a little out-there, but a movement takes all kinds.

Speaking of out-there,
Abbie Hoffman
and the
did indeed try to levitate the Pentagon, throw money into the stock exchange, and work with a group called the
Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers
. Abbie Hoffman’s classic book on ripping off the system, “Steal This Book,” is back in print (Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002) and it’s also online as a collaborative wiki for people who want to try to update it (


Hoffman’s autobiography, “Soon to Be a Major Motion Picture” (also in print from Four Walls Eight Windows) is one of my favorite memoirs ever, even if it is highly fictionalized. Hoffman was an incredible storyteller and had great activist instincts. If you want to know how he really lived his life, though, try Larry Sloman’s “Steal This Dream” (Doubleday, 1998).

More counterculture fun: Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” can be had in practically any used bookstore for a buck or two. Allan Ginsberg’s

“HOWL” is online in many places, and you can hear him read it if you search for the MP3 at archive.org. For bonus points, track down the album “Tenderness Junction” by the Fugs, which includes the audio of Allan Ginsberg and Abbie Hoffman’s levitation ceremony at the Pentagon.

This book couldn’t have been written if not for George Orwell’s magnificent, world-changing “1984,” the best novel ever published on how societies go wrong. I read this book when I was 12 and have read it 30 or 40 times since, and every time, I get something new out of it. Orwell was a master of storytelling and was clearly sick over the totalitarian state that emerged in the Soviet Union. 1984 holds up today as a genuinely frightening work of science fiction, and it is one of the novels that literally changed the world. Today, “Orwellian” is synonymous with a state of ubiquitous surveillance, doublethink, and torture.

Many novelists have tackled parts of the story in Little Brother. Daniel Pinkwater’s towering comic masterpiece,
“Alan Mendelsohn: The Boy From Mars”
(presently in print as part of the omnibus “5 Novels,” Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997) is a book that every geek needs to read. If you’ve ever felt like an outcast for being too smart or weird, READ THIS BOOK. It changed my life.

On a more contemporary front, there’s Scott Westerfeld’s
“So Yesterday”
(Razorbill, 2004), which follows the adventures of cool hunters and counterculture jammers. Scott and his wife Justine Larbalestier were my partial inspiration to write a book for young adults — as was Kathe Koja. Thanks, guys.

/ / Little Brother, News

Last Sunday, my young adult novel Little Brother won the Emperor Norton Award (for “extraordinary invention and creativity unhindered by the constraints of paltry reason” in San Francisco), presented at the 13th birthday party for Tachyon Books, at Borderlands Bookstore in San Francisco. I wasn’t able to accept the award (I’m in India, researching my next novel), so I asked Cindy Cohn, EFF’s legal director, to accept on my behalf and say a few words about EFF’s new lawsuit over NSA wiretapping, in which AG Alberto Gonzales, GW Bush, and Dick Cheney are all named as defendants. Tachyon’s put the text of the speech online — as ever, Cindy gave a hum-dinger:

And here’s where EFF comes in. Cory’s work and EFF’s mission have long been intertwined, not just because he was with us for so long and drank so much of our Kool-Aid, but even before that. And the same is true for Little Brother. While we thankfully haven’t yet had the next terrorist attack, the use of digital technology against ordinary people by an overreaching government is well underway. This week at EFF we filed a new lawsuit, called Jewel v. NSA, aimed at stopping one such invasion of our privacy, the NSA’s dragnet surveillance of all of us, especially those of us in San Francisco.

That’s because the strongest evidence in the case is about San Francisco, specifically the installation of a fiberoptic splitter in an AT&T facility on Folsom Street that is making copies of all of the internet traffic that goes through that facility and giving it to the NSA. Those of you who watch EFF know that we filed suit against AT&T with this same evidence in 2006, but in the last year AT&T and the Administration bullied Congress into passing something called “retroactive immunity” for the telecommunications companies, trying to let them off the hook. We’re fighting that immunity in court, but this week we opened a second front, suing the government and government officials directly. This includes Bush, Cheney, and the other architects of this dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans, you, me and Marcus Yallow alike.

Tachyon’s 13th Anniversary party wrap-up

/ / Little Brother, News

Last Sunday, my young adult novel Little Brother won the Emperor Norton Award (for “extraordinary invention and creativity unhindered by the constraints of paltry reason” in San Francisco), presented at the 13th birthday party for Tachyon Books, at Borderlands Bookstore in San Francisco. I wasn’t able to accept the award (I’m in India, researching my next novel), so I asked Cindy Cohn, EFF’s legal director, to accept on my behalf and say a few words about EFF’s new lawsuit over NSA wiretapping, in which AG Alberto Gonzales, GW Bush, and Dick Cheney are all named as defendants. Tachyon’s put the text of the speech online — as ever, Cindy gave a hum-dinger:

And here’s where EFF comes in. Cory’s work and EFF’s mission have long been intertwined, not just because he was with us for so long and drank so much of our Kool-Aid, but even before that. And the same is true for Little Brother. While we thankfully haven’t yet had the next terrorist attack, the use of digital technology against ordinary people by an overreaching government is well underway. This week at EFF we filed a new lawsuit, called Jewel v. NSA, aimed at stopping one such invasion of our privacy, the NSA’s dragnet surveillance of all of us, especially those of us in San Francisco.

That’s because the strongest evidence in the case is about San Francisco, specifically the installation of a fiberoptic splitter in an AT&T facility on Folsom Street that is making copies of all of the internet traffic that goes through that facility and giving it to the NSA. Those of you who watch EFF know that we filed suit against AT&T with this same evidence in 2006, but in the last year AT&T and the Administration bullied Congress into passing something called “retroactive immunity” for the telecommunications companies, trying to let them off the hook. We’re fighting that immunity in court, but this week we opened a second front, suing the government and government officials directly. This includes Bush, Cheney, and the other architects of this dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans, you, me and Marcus Yallow alike.

Tachyon’s 13th Anniversary party wrap-up

/ / Little Brother, News

Austin “Soon I Will Be Invincible” Grossman’s written a fantastic review of my young adult novel Little Brother for this weekend’s New York Times book review section. Incidentally, the book went into a fifth hardcover printing last week, and is going back for a sixth printing next week because so many orders came in between the fifth printing being set up and it being delivered!

“Little Brother” is a terrific read, but it also claims a place in the tradition of polemical science-fiction novels like “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and “Fahrenheit 451” (with a dash of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”). It owes a more immediate debt to Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli’s comic book series “DMZ,” about the adventures of a photojournalist in the midst of a new American civil war. …

MY favorite thing about “Little Brother” is that every page is charged with an authentic sense of the personal and ethical need for a better relationship to information technology, a visceral sense that one’s continued dignity and independence depend on it: “My technology was working for me, serving me, protecting me. It wasn’t spying on me. This is why I loved technology: if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy.”

BTW, if I’m not mistaken, there are still some signed first-edition hardcovers in stock at Bakka Books in Toronto and Borderlands in San Francisco, and both stores ship.

Nerd Activists

/ / Little Brother, News

In the run-up to last week’s benefit for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Brian Heater of the Daily Crosshatch blog conducted a two part interview with me; he’s just posted part two.

Do you have this extended universe of fan fiction in mind when you work on these books?

No, not at all. It’s actually kind of interesting, I think. The way I approach the creative element of what I do and the critical element are almost completely separate. I sit down and write almost as a therapeutic exercise. When I’m finished writing for the day, I often don’t remember what I’ve written. I go back and review it, and I’m often surprised by it. I’ve written stories and novels and things that have taken me years and years to write and when I got to the ending, I didn’t like it and rethought it entirely and then rewrote the ending and then turned back to the first page, only to realize that I’d foreshadowed that ending, four years before, but hadn’t known until that day.

I have almost no premeditation on cultural-political things when I write. Even on a political book like Little Brother, it was actually an emotional reaction to a bunch of things that I was feeling in regard to the “war on terror.” I didn’t sit down and say, “what’s the best way to alarm children about surveillance?” I sat down and thought, “how can I artistically approach this subject in a way that I find the most aesthetically pleasing?”

But you are hoping that, once it’s out there, readers will adopt the work in creative ways.

Yeah, well, in the same way that there’s a compositional and editorial process, when you do anything creative, when I finish with the story, look at it, edit it, and prepare it for publication, and show it to my agent, and so on, I certainly do think of that at that stage. But the creative process, for me, is all about getting into a nice space and doing something totally creative that has almost no agenda aside from a creative one.

Part 1, Part 2

/ / Little Brother, News, Remixes

Chris sez, “I am also a member of the Cincinnati 2600 group. We get together once a month and listen to folks present on nifty things like SQL injections and packet sniffing. In early August we did lightning talks, which are little 5 minute presentations instead of the usualy 30-60 minute format. I gave 3 lightning talks that were inspired by Marcus’ exploits in Little Brother: running applications from a USB drive, using block encryption to safeguard data on a USB stick, and hiding your encrypted data in a deniable format in the event of capture and torture.

Click the links above to download Chris’s slides — this is just too damned cool!