/ / Articles, News

My new Locus column, Collective Action, proposes a theory of corruption: the relatively small profits from being a jerk are concentrated, the much larger effects are diffused, which means that the jerks can afford better lawyers and lobbyists than any one of their victims. Since the victims are spread out and don’t know each other, it’s hard to fight back together.

Then I propose a solution: using Kickstarter-like mechanisms to fight corruption: a website where victims of everything from patent trolls and copyright trolls, all the way up to pollution and robo-signing foreclosures, can find each other and pledge to fund a group defense, rather than paying off the bandits.

It’s the Magnificent Seven business model: one year, the villagers stop paying the robbers, and use the money to pay mercenaries to fight the robbers instead.


/ / Homeland, News

As I mentioned last week, the CBC’s Canada Reads list of top 40 Canadian books is up, and it’s got a really commendable, wide-ranging variety of titles in it (including my own novel Little Brother). The CBC is asking for readers to choose their favorites by tomorrow, at which point they’ll release the top ten list.

It’s a great exercise for energizing the nation about reading, and I’m immensely flattered and excited to have a small part in it.

Canada Reads Top 40: Explore the books

/ / Little Brother, News

As I mentioned last week, the CBC’s Canada Reads list of top 40 Canadian books is up, and it’s got a really commendable, wide-ranging variety of titles in it (including my own novel Little Brother). The CBC is asking for readers to choose their favorites by tomorrow, at which point they’ll release the top ten list.

It’s a great exercise for energizing the nation about reading, and I’m immensely flattered and excited to have a small part in it.

Canada Reads Top 40: Explore the books

/ / News

As I mentioned last week, the CBC’s Canada Reads list of top 40 Canadian books is up, and it’s got a really commendable, wide-ranging variety of titles in it (including my own novel Little Brother). The CBC is asking for readers to choose their favorites by tomorrow, at which point they’ll release the top ten list.

It’s a great exercise for energizing the nation about reading, and I’m immensely flattered and excited to have a small part in it.

Canada Reads Top 40: Explore the books

/ / Little Brother, News

I just received the delightful news that my novel, Little Brother made it to the CBC’s “Canada Reads” list of top 40 Canadian books, and it is in some spectacular company. There’s a competitive element to this (you can vote for your top ten here), but the real value of this list is as a broad, eclectic, amazing collection of books that deserve your attention and enjoyment. Have at it — and yeah, if you feel so moved, by all means, vote for Little Brother!