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This unabridged reading of Little Brother, read by Kirby Heyborne, is sold without DRM, or license agreement of any kind, and by buying it here, you more than triple the royalties I receive for it.

The audiobook was produced by Random House Audio (I’ve embedded their preview below). Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll get a download link for a collection of 128Khz MP3 files, in a ZIP archive. Simply open the archive and load into your favourite digital music player.

You’re free to do anything with this that copyright allows — play it, sing it, swing it, yodel it, I don’t give a dern (as Woody Guthrie once said!).



Pirate Cinema successfully follows the same pattern as his previous YA novels, mixing an adventurous, whip smart young main character with a relevant socio-political theme and wrapping all of it in a fast-paced, entertaining story.

Stefan Raets, Tor.com

/ / News

Hey, St Louis readers! Looking forward to meeting you tonight at the first stop of my Pirate Cinema tour, at the St Louis County Library at 7PM! Next up, stops in northern and southern California, Lansing, Chicagoland, NYC, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Toronto and Boston.


Publishers Weekly

Running away to London, Trent falls in with a group of young, high-tech squatters and anarchists who begin a David vs. Goliath war against the establishment, hoping to free the Net for creative use by the common people. Doctorow, a noted free Internet advocate (and PW columnist), handles his topic with great passion, creating engaging and believably geeky characters who share his fervor for both the Web and the new forms of art and communication it has made possible.


BN Review

Perhaps the most original theme, however, relates to the definition of creativity. Such a rethinking of this central and eternal trait of our species lies at the heart of this book, which strives to find a place in the over-regulated world for maximal expression of individual human spirit. When, midway through the book, Trent generously defines creativity in its baseline form as “doing something that isn’t obvious,” the book explodes into new philosophical realms. The outcome is less strident and melodramatic than Little Brother, more balanced and accepting of an imperfect world — while still holding aloft an idealistic torch.

Paul Di Filippo, BN Review


It’s generally accepted that fussing with computers is a narrative buzzkill, yet Doctorow’s unrivaled verisimilitude makes every click as exciting as a band of underdog warriors storming a castle. It’s not exactly Abbie Hoffman’s Steal This Book (1971), but with its delirious insights into everything from street art to urban exploring to dumpster diving to experimental cinema, it feels damn close.

Daniel Kraus, Booklist


Rich characters, well-rounded — a success as a story. For computer-savvy kids who like to think.


/ / Pirate Cinema

I’m touring Pirate Cinema in the US and Canada through the month of October. Macmillan’s posted the full schedule, and there are stops coming in St Louis, the Bay Area, the LA area, Lansing, Chicagoland, NYC, DC, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Toronto, and Boston. I hope to see you there!

/ / News

Hey, St Louis, MO! I’m headed your way, for the kick-off of the tour for my latest YA novel, Pirate Cinema. I’ll be at the St. Louis County Library on Tuesday, October 2 at 7PM for an event hosted by Left Bank Books. There are 18 (!) cities on this tour, so be sure and check out the whole schedule. Next on the itinerary: Menlo Park, San Francisco, Berkeley, Pasadena, Redondo Beach — then back across the country to Lansing, MI, and then Chicagoland, New York, DC-area, Edmonton, Vancouver, Seattle, Toronto, and, finally, Boston. I hope to see you (and tell your friends!).