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Hey, this is keen! I just made the Forbes Web Celebs 25 for the second year in a row! I’m in great company — two of my Boing Boing co-editors, Mark Frauenfelder and Xeni Jardin, are also on the list!

Cory Doctorow is a prominent activist for digital rights, and serves as a fellow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He’s one of the editors of Boing Boing, a hugely influential and popular blog about technology, culture and politics. And he’s also a science fiction novelist, particularly famous on the Web, where he gives his novels away for free (For more, see his essay, ” Giving It Away.”) In 2007, Doctorow raised his profile with a new short story collection, Overclocked, numerous columns and articles around the Web (including on Forbes.com) and participation in Boing Boing’s new podcasts and videocasts.
