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A reminder: I’ll be reading and signing at San Diego’s Mysterious Galaxy books tonight as part of a series of San Diego appearances by the writers who are teaching at the Clarion Science Fiction Writers Workshop at UCSD. The reading starts at 7PM — hope to see you then.

Also: I’ll be back in San Diego next week for ComicCon, where I’m one of the guests of honor. Here’s my schedule there:

* Thursday, Noon-1PM: Spotlight on Cory Doctorow, room 5AB, followed by a signing
* Friday, 11:30-12:30: IDW publishing, room 4
* Saturday, 1-2PM: Where Do They Get Those Marvelous Toys?, room 8, followed by a signing

A special request for any Canadians planning on attending the Mysterious Galaxy event tonight: I have come down with a miserable cold, and I have run out of Buckley’s Mixture (the surprisingly vile and effective Canadian cold-syrup). I would be forever in your debt if you could bring some down with you!

Link to Mysterious Galaxy details, Link to ComicCon schedule