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The Sunburst Award is holding a charity auction next weekend at Ad Astra, Toronto’s regional science fiction convention (I’m one of the guests of honor, which is amazingly cool, given that Ad Astra is the first con I ever attended, volunteering as a gofer in exchange for free admission).

The Sunburst honors the best Canadian sf book of the year with a $1,000 cash prize and national prestige (my first short story collection, A Place So Foreign and Eight More, won the prize a few years back). It’s an award I’m glad to support — Canadian sf is incredibly vibrant and exciting.

I’ve donated naming rights for one of the characters in a forthcoming novel to the auction — the book that was partially syndicated under the title Themepunks last year on Salon. It’ll be out from Tor in 2008, and the winning bidder can have slap her/his name on either the female or the male lead.

Hope to see you at Ad Astra — and at the auction!

– 10th-anniversary statue of The Sandman, new in his box, all 12½ inches of him, with signed certificate of authenticity
-signed copy of Neil Gaiman’s novel Fragile Things (hardcover, first U.K. edition)
—signed first edition of Windflower, by Nick Bantock and Edoardo Ponti
—signed copy of Jeff Hoke’s non-fiction book The Museum of Lost Wonder, with special bonus not available in stores!
—two signed prints donated by Martin Springett: one from Tolkien’s Farmer Giles of Ham and one Guy Gavriel Kay-related image
—AND a character named after the winning bidder in Cory Doctorow’s next novel.
