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Next Tuesday, November 7, EFF senior IP attorney Fred von Lohmann will give a free public talk at USC as part of my ongoing speaker series on digital liberties. Fred is an amazing speaker and a world-famous copyright lawyer. His oral argument in the Ninth Circuit hearing on Grokster inspired a techno remix. Fred previously clerked for a judge and a US senator, and worked under Condi Rice at Stanford. His seminal paper on the DMCA, Unintended Consequences, is one of the most widely cited analyses of the controversial copyright law. Fred is also an ardent music fan, and a tireless proponent of the preservation of fan culture and artist/fan engagement.

His free talk runs from 7-9 PM at the USC Annenberg School on the main campus in room 207. We’ll have the podcast up a day or two later.


Note: THERE IS NO SPEAKER ON OCT 31. Jamie Love was previously erroneously listed as speaking on Hallowe’en, but he won’t be here.