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Next week, I’m returning to Vienna to speak at the brilliant a href=”http://roboexotica.org/en/main.htm”>Roboexotica conference, a whimsical technology/art event in which amateur robotocists gather to demonstrate their cocktail-making robots. Real, no-fooling cocktail-making robots! I went a couple years ago and was blown away by the robots on offer, particularly the robot that used a giant inkjet-style “print head” to pour out different measurements, as set in physical logic embodied in switches and solenoids (no microcontroller!).

There are lectures, readings, and films. I’ll be giving talks on Europe’s coming Broadcast Flag and about science fiction, and if this is anything like last time, it’s going to be a hoot.

Until recently, no attempts were made to publically discuss the role of cocktail robotics as an index for the integration of technological innovations into the human Lebensraum, or to document the increasing occurrence of radical hedonism in man-machine communication. Roboexotica is an attempt to fill this vacuum. It is the first and, inevitably, leading festival concerned with cocktail robotics world-wide. A micro mechanical change of paradigm in the age of borderless capital. Mr. Turing would without a doubt test this out.

Roboexotica will return November 16th through 20th 2005 in the Freiraum of
Museumsquartier Vienna

Here’s my schedule:

Thursday, 11/17, 4PM, Monochrom, Museumsquartier: “Excepts of Schnipsel by Cory Doctorow
read by Magnus Wurzer, with a short introduction by the author in english.”

Friday, 11.18, 6PM, Monochrom, Museumsquartier: Reading and talk on copyright