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Next week, Glasgow will host the Interaction, the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention. I’ll be attending and doing a number of program items, including some stufff on Creative Commons and a reading from my new novel-in-progress. Here’s an overview of my program items:

Friday August 5:
10:00am You’ve Plugged _What_ into It?
Hardware Hacking is an increasingly popular pastime. Also the advent of computer control has revolutionised many hobbies, e.g. amateur astrophotography. (with Martin Hoare amd Jordin Kare)

Noon: Clones, Children or Countless Lives
If everyone lives forever, or is endlessly reincarnated, where do we
put them? And can anyone reproduce in any other way?
(with Simon Bradshaw, Anne K. Gay, Richard Morgan and Eric M. Van)

5:00pm: Is Genius Gendered?
One lone genius and an attractive assistant (fill in the genders)
save the world. Our panel gives media and literary SF examples, and
discuss how changing the gender might change other things.

(with Sean McMullen and Connie Willis)

Saturday, August 6:
2:30pm: Signing at the Borderlands Books table

6:00pm: Fannish Currency: Whuffie, Egoboo and Chocolate
(Fandom has for a long time had a potlatch economy, where you give
things away in the expectation of egoboo, or fannish kudos. How does
this translate to the Internet Age?
(with Christina Lake, Mike Scott and Suzanne Tompkins)

Sunday, August 7:
10:00am AI: the Aliens We Make?
Aliens and AI are both Other, but where one comes from Out There,
the other lives Down Here. Are they really the same thing — and
either way, what difference does it make?

(with David Gerrold, Ian McDonald, Charles Stross and Tricia Sullivan)

Noon: Creative Commons 101. A Primer for the Interested

2:00pm Reading

Monday, August 8:
10:00am: Standing up for our (Copy)rights
Contrasting views on the benefits and hazards authors see in sharing
(or having their work shared) online.

(with Andrew Adams, David Cake and Christopher Priest)

Hope to see you there!