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In a couple hours, I’m leaving for Reboot, Denmark’s annual, spectacular technology conference. This year’s line-up of speakers is nothing less than stellar:

Douglas Bowman, Stopdesign;
Lee Bryant, Headshift;
Paula Le Dieu, BBC;
Jason Calacanis, Weblogs Inc.;
Ben Cerveny, Interaction designer and author;
James Cherkoff and Johnnie Moore of OpenSauceLive;
Régine Debatty, we make money not art;
Cory Doctorow, EFF / Boing Boing;
Anders Bertram Eibye, The Danish Design School;
Jyri Engeström, Aula, blog: zengestrom.com;
Jason Fried, 37signals;
Ben Hammersley, International Man of Mystery;
Thomas Harttung, Aarstiderne;
Chris Heathcote, Nokia;

Michael Heilemann, BinaryBonsai/Kubrick;
David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails/Instiki/Basecamp;
David Helgason, OverTheEdge;
Matt Jones, Nokia;
Stefan Kellner, plazes;
Hugh Macleod, gapingvoid;
Loic Le Meur, Sixapart;
Matthias Müller-Prove, mprove / Sun Microsystems;
Ulla-Maaria Mutanen, Hobbyprincess;
Dragos Novac, Krogos Software;
Tor Nørretranders, Author;
Nicolai Peitersen, Philosopher, Kesera;
Felix Petersen, plazes;
Scott Rafer, Feedster;
Martin Roell, roell.net;
Doc Searls, weblog;
Nils Schneider, The iPodLinux Project;
Robert Scoble, Microsoft;
Malthe Sigurdsson, Skype;
Mikkel Holm Sørensen, Ph.D., design philosopher;
Michael Thomsen, former research director, LEGO/Interactive Institute;
Jimbo Wales, Wikipedia;
Matt Webb, weblog, Mind Hacks;
Harald Welte, gnumonks/gpl-violationsgnumonks;
David Weinberger, weblog;
Peter Lindberg, Oops (weblog)

Says co-organizer Nikolaj Nyholm, “we’re sold out, but we’ll have
some for sale at the door as we’re sure to have some no-pays and unused
sponsor tickets.”

(Thanks, Nikolaj!)