/ / Little Brother, News

Next Tuesday marks the publication of my latest YA novel, Homeland, and I’ll be kicking off a month-long tour across the US on February 5 with a stop in Seattle, followed by Portland and San Francisco.

From there, I swing to the southwest — a region I’ve never toured! — with stops in Salt Lake City and Tempe. Then it’s northeast to NYC, south to Cincinnati, Miami, Chapel Hill, Decatur, Oxford, MS, Memphis, and New Orleans.

Then I do two stops in Texas: Austin and Houston, before crossing northeast again to Portsmouth and Concord, NH; down to DC, over to Boston, then Albuquerque.

There’s also a couple stops I’ll be making after the tour proper: Lawrence, KS and Toronto.

I’ll be reading from the book, talking about the themes and my inspiration for writing it, and about how Aaron Swartz contributed to it. I’m hoping that the public appearances turn into a chance to brainstorm about how to keep Aaron’s work going. The events are all-ages and kid-friendly, and I’ll be happy to sign your books, ereaders, floppy discs, laptops, or whatever.

I don’t think that there are going to be any more cities added — pretty much every day is a travel-day already. But there is some time for press interviews, podcasts, and so forth, so if that’s your thing feel free to mail me and I’ll forward you on to my publicist to see if we can schedule it in.

Touring is hard work, but I love it. Everywhere I go, I meet happy mutants — young and old — and get to talk with them about their passions and hopes. It’s what keeps me going through the year. I really hope you’ll come out and join the fun!

Here’s the full schedule:

Homeland Tour/Cory Doctorow/February 5 – 26, 2013

Here’s a long excerpt:

Homeland (Excerpt)

And here’s some things the critics are saying:

“Outstanding for its target audience, and even those outside Doctorow’s traditional reach may find themselves moved by its call to action” – Kirkus

“Fans of Little Brother and the author’s other stories of technophiliac hacktivism ought to love this book” – Publishers Weekly

* Assuming your town is one of the ones I’m coming to, of course. Alert readers will have already noticed that there’s not much action in the midwest, Rockies, or northeast, which is a deliberate decision in the hopes of minimizing weather delays during a jam-packed tour schedule. Sorry! I got to as much of the northeast and midwest as I could back on the Pirate Cinema tour in November.