/ / Little Brother, News

The Digital Democracy project and the All-Burma I.T. Student Union have just a few hours left in a Kickstarter project to translate my novel Little Brother in free electronic editions in four Burmese languages: Burmese, Karen, Chin and Kachin. As they write, “[the translation will] broaden the debate on using technology in the struggle for freedom against tyranny. By distributing electronic versions of the translated book, our goal is to inspire people from the country with Cory Doctorow’s compelling tale of a teen and his friends who take on Big Brother, using technology to challenge an authoritarian regime.”

They’re 64% of the way there as of this writing, and they need another $800 or so in the next 43 hours. I’m pretty excited by this novel use of goal-oriented online fundraising by activist groups, and the Burmese lot really seem to have a handle on how technology fits into their national struggles for justice.