/ / Little Brother, News

My novel Little Brother has just come out in the UK, a month ahead of schedule (Waterstone’s, the book-store chain, wanted it as a featured title, but their slot was in October, not November). This is fabulous news, of course, but it does mean that I’m not around to do signings and events right away (I got married on Sunday night and am now on my honeymoon — this was written in advance and automatically posted!). Still, I wanted to make sure that there were signed copies available right away for collector/fans who didn’t want to have to choose between getting a copy now and waiting for a month to get a signed one.

So last week, before leaving for the wedding, I popped into the HarperCollins offices in London and signed a stack of 500 copies of Little Brother that are now on sale through Play.com. It’s only while supplies last, natch, so act now!

Little Brother UK edition signed