/ / News, Radicalized

Tomorrow night (Thursday, April 11), I’m headlining a free event celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library from 7-9PM: it’s at the Central Library’s Neil Morgan Auditorium (330 Park Blvd., San Diego 92101). The tl;dr of my speech: “libraries as one of the few remnants of a world where people were valued because of their humanity, not their money, and how that works in the current moment of extreme inequality, epistemological incoherence, and fear of imminent collapse.”

/ / News, Radicalized

As part of our spring 2019 lineup for the eh List series, Cory Doctorow discussed Radicalized, his timely novel on the social, technological, and economic visions of today and what society could be in the near, near future.

Watch Cory Doctorow in conversation with Barry Hertz.

This event was held in the Atrium of Toronto Reference Library.