/ / Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom, News

I’m “appearing” at a book-club that meets in an online roleplaying game called Second Life, this Sunday at 6:30 PM. If you’ve got a Windows box, you can get a free seven-day avatar and join the disucssion!

Cory Doctorow will be the debut guest of the
Hamlet Linden Book Club, the first reading
group (far as we can tell!) to be conducted in
a massively multiplayer online world — Second Life.

This Sunday, Sept. 21, at 6:30pm (PST), Cory
Doctorow’s avatar will appear in the main auditorium
of Second Life, the 3D online society where Hamlet
Linden (aka Wagner James Au) is the world’s
embedded journalist. Cory will discuss his
acclaimed novel *Down and Out in the Magic
Kingdom* with an in-world audience of Second
Life residents.
