/ / Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom, News

SFRevu is running an interview with me, and a review of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom:

Ern: If you don’t count that as SF, what was your first identifiably SF or Fantasy experience?

Cory: It was actually a story-telling experience. My dad had grown up on Conan comics and the Robert E. Howard books, and he retrofitted Conan storylines into Socialist parables that he used to tell me on long car trips. Starring a multiethnic, gender balance trio called Harry, Mary and Larry. So I grew up on these sort of redacted Conan stories that been worked out as parables about workers paradise stories. There are a lot of first and second generation Marxists in Science Fiction today, you’ve got people like Stephen Brust, and China Miéville and Ken McLeod. The techno-utopianism is the one thing you never shake when you grow up in a Marxist household; it’s the unshakeable faith that technology can affect positive social change.