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Some answers to frequently asked questions:

Q: Where does the word Whuffie come from?

A: It’s just a made-up word we used interchangably with “Brownie Points” in high-school. Some people have suggested that it might have come from the Arsenio Hall show’s “woof woof woof” noises.

Q: Did you know that Amazon lists the publication date for your book as December 31, 1969?

A: Yes. Wish I could do something about it, too.

Q: Can’t I just send some money to you by PayPal instead of buying the book?

A: You don’t have to buy the book, but I’m not interested in tipjar payments. I’m not doing this to compete with my publisher. If you read the ebook and want to pay me back, but don’t have any use for the dead-tree edition, the best way you can do that is to buy a copy of the book and donate it to a school, library or community center. If you do this, you’ll put a copy of the book on the shelf where it might be read, I’ll get a royalty, and my sales-figures will go up (which means that I’ll get a bigger advance on my next book and my publisher will be more likely to want to repeat the experiment).