/ / Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom, News

My pal Bill Shunn — a hell of an sf writer and top-notch geek — has started a Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom webring for fansites devotes to the book. I am beside myself.

I anticipate a desire among fans of the book to visit the sites where it (took/will take) place, sort of like hitting the Stations of the Cross in a Catholic cathedral, and snap photos proving they were there. Hoping to be the first to do so, and maybe thereby accumulate some whuffie of my own, I present the “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Whuffie Ring,” a web ring to let people link up their Down and Out fan pages.

So go ahead. Travel to Florida. Visit Liberty Square, the Hall of the Presidents, the Haunted Mansion. Get your picture taken with one of its 999 happy haunts. You loved Disney World when you were a kid–you know you did. Now’s your chance to show the world you love what it could someday be.