
Mark Frauenfelder

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom is the most entertaining and exciting science fiction story I’ve read in the last few years. I love page-turners, especially when they are as unusual as this novel. I predict big things for Down and Out — it could easily become a breakout genre-buster.

Mark Frauenfelder
Contributing Editor, Wired Magazine

Kelly Link

Cory Doctorow doesn’t just write about the future – I think he lives there. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom isn’t just a really good read, it’s also, like the best kind of fiction, a kind of guide book. See the Tomorrowland of Tomorrow today, and while you’re there, why not drop by Frontierland, and the Haunted Mansion as well? (It’s the Mansion that’s the haunted heart of this book.) Cory makes me feel nostalgic for the future – a dizzying, yet rather pleasant sensation, as if I’m spiraling down the tracks of Space Mountain over and over again. Visit the Magic Kingdom and live forever!


Lawrence Lessig

In the true spirit of Walt Disney, Doctorow has ripped a part of our common culture, mixed it with a brilliant story, and burned into our culture a new set of memes that will be with us for a generation at least.