/ / News, Podcast

I’m back podcasting after a long post-surgical hiatus. I don’t have any new material to read, so instead, I’ve read one of my favorite comedic Mark Twain stories, Punch, Brothers, Punch. It’s a great little essay about a earworming mind-virus, prefiguring Snow Crash by a century and more!

There’s more administrivia than usual in this one as I get caught up.

Conductor, when you receive a fare,
Punch in the presence of the passenjare!
A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare,
A buff trip slip for a six-cent fare,
A pink trip slip for a three-cent fare,
Punch in the presence of the passenjare!


Punch, brothers! punch with care!
Punch in the presence of the passenjare!

Mastering by John Taylor Williams: wryneckstudio@gmail.com

John Taylor Williams is a full-time self-employed audio engineer, producer, composer, and sound designer. In his free time, he makes beer, jewelry, odd musical instruments and furniture. He likes to meditate, to read and to cook.

MP3 Link