/ / News, Podcast

The English Arts Council’s Rachel Baker and Charles Beckett came by my office last week to interview me for local radio station ResonanceFM, covering a lot of ground. They broke the interview into five parts for airing and their podcast.

Part 3

/ / Little Brother, News

I’ll be in Chicago on July 9 to see a production of the highly praised theatrical adaptation of my novel Little Brother. The July 9 show is sold out (performances run until July 18), but Bill Massolia, who wrote the play and runs the company, has organized a get-together beforehand. If you’re in Chicago, I’d love to see you and say hi!

Meet Cory Doctorow before the show.
July 9, 5:45pm to 7:00pm.

Jack’s Bar & Grill/404 Wine Bar
2856 North Southport Ave. Chicago

I love the name of the Wine Bar — though I worry about it being not found.

Jack’s 404

Little Brother, the play

/ / News

I’ll be in Chicago on July 9 to see a production of the highly praised theatrical adaptation of my novel Little Brother. The July 9 show is sold out (performances run until July 18), but Bill Massolia, who wrote the play and runs the company, has organized a get-together beforehand. If you’re in Chicago, I’d love to see you and say hi!

Meet Cory Doctorow before the show.
July 9, 5:45pm to 7:00pm.

Jack’s Bar & Grill/404 Wine Bar
2856 North Southport Ave. Chicago

I love the name of the Wine Bar — though I worry about it being not found.

Jack’s 404

Little Brother, the play

/ / Little Brother, News

Wouldya lookit that! I’ve won the Libertarian Futurist’s Society’s Prometheus Award for my novel Little Brother! As with all the other awards LB has been up for this year, I’m even more honored by the company I’m in than the award itself; this year’s Prometheus nominees included Charlie Stross’s Saturn’s Children, Matter by Iain Banks, The January Dancer by Michael Flyn, Opening Atlantis by Harry Turtledove, and Half a Crown, the wrenching conclusion to Jo Walton brilliant Farthing/Ha’penny alternate history trilogy. And this year’s Prometheus Hall of Fame winner was Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. These books and these writers are all incredibly humbling company to find oneself among.

The Prometheus will be given out at the WorldCon, and the award includes an actual, no-fooling gold coin. So yes, I’ll be walking around the Montreal Worldcon with a pocket full of gold, don’t tell anyone.


/ / News

Wouldya lookit that! I’ve won the Libertarian Futurist’s Society’s Prometheus Award for my novel Little Brother! As with all the other awards LB has been up for this year, I’m even more honored by the company I’m in than the award itself; this year’s Prometheus nominees included Charlie Stross’s Saturn’s Children, Matter by Iain Banks, The January Dancer by Michael Flyn, Opening Atlantis by Harry Turtledove, and Half a Crown, the wrenching conclusion to Jo Walton brilliant Farthing/Ha’penny alternate history trilogy. And this year’s Prometheus Hall of Fame winner was Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. These books and these writers are all incredibly humbling company to find oneself among.

The Prometheus will be given out at the WorldCon, and the award includes an actual, no-fooling gold coin. So yes, I’ll be walking around the Montreal Worldcon with a pocket full of gold, don’t tell anyone.