/ / Podcast

Here’s the audio of my speech last month at Olin College, a small, elite engineering school outside of Boston. The students there were really sharp — some of the wisest and most incisive I’ve met, and the faculty I met with were very bright and inspiring indeed. Not to mention the totally awesome library and its equally awesome librarians, who run a 24/7 library that students admit themselves to with a swipe-card, and check their own books out of using a scanner. Plus: free photocopying!

Talk MP3

/ / Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom, News

Andrew Crocker writes, “I’m a senior art student at Colorado State University. Recently we
had an assignment where we were supposed to make a “3D
(make a sculpture, light it and photograph it) dust jacket and 2
spread for one of our favorite books. I chose Down and Out, and
thought I might send you the cover.”

This is really striking and lovely design work. Nice job, Andrew! Thanks so much!

(see also these fan-covers for the book)

/ / News

Last month in Boston, I recorded an interview with William Kuhman of MIT Radio’s Dinnertime Sampler. William cut together a show with the interview and a bunch of my all-time favorite music, and MIT’s made it available as a streaming cast (sucks, I know) for 30 days (worse luck still). But it’s still a lot of fun and maybe someone will hijack the stream and turn it into an MP3 and stick a torrent up somewhere!

/ / News

The Hugo nominations process closes on March 10. If you attended the World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow in 2005 or if you’re registered to attend the WorldCon this year in Los Angeles, you’re eligible to nominate (as a reminder, a great place to find out more about writers eligible for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer is Writertopia’s eligibility list).

In case you were wondering — here’s a list of my eligible 2005 publications:

Best Novel: Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, Tor, July 2005

Best Novelette: I, Robot, The Infinite Matrix, February 2005

Best Novella: Human Readable, Future Washington, October 2005, WSFA Press

Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form): After the Siege (podcast), Craphound.com, September 2005

Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form): When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth (podcast), Craphound.com, October 2005