/ / News

If you are reading this blog-post, it is because I have been kidnapped by my family and whisked away to a cottage on a Canadian lake, from which vantage I will be contemplating the loons, catching up on my reading, teaching Poesy to swim, going to the drive in, and lolling about in the grass or lazing on the dock.

Three things I will not be doing is looking at email, answering the phone, or blogging!

I’ll see you all again on August 29th — and if you’re in Australia, I hope to see you at the World Science Fiction Convention and Melbourne Writers Festival in early September.

Likewise, I hope to see my German friends on my September Little Brother tour, and my Dutch friends on my PICNIC and Bits of Freedom Makers launch.

(Image: more view, a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2.0) image from jtrant’s photostream)