/ / Podcast

Here’s the second installment in a new story podcast. This time, it’s “I, Row-Boat,” a story I just finished about a story about a theological dispute between an artifically intelligent Asimov three-laws cultist and an uplifted coral reef.


/ / News, Podcast

Here’s the first installment in a new story podcast. This time, it’s “I, Row-Boat,” a story I just finished about a story about a theological dispute between an artifically intelligent Asimov three-laws cultist and an uplifted coral reef.. I’m going to read this one in three or four parts over the next couple weeks.

Robbie the Row-Boat’s great crisis of faith came when the coral reef woke up.

“Fuck off,” the reef said, vibrating Robbie’s hull through the slap-slap of the waves of the coral sea, where he’d plied his trade for decades. “Seriously. This is our patch, and you’re not welcome.”

Robbie shipped oars and let the current rock him back toward the ship. He’d never met a sentient reef before, but he wasn’t surprised to see that Osprey Reef was the first to wake up. There’d been a lot of electromagnetic activity around there the last few times the big ship had steamed through the night to moor up here.


/ / News

The Locus Awards for science fiction and fantasy were just announced, and my story I, Robot won for best novelette! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, and to Eileen Gunn for publishing it and for delivering the acceptance speech I reproduce below. This is a stellar card of winners — Neil Gaiman for best fantasy novel for Anansi Boys, Charlie Stross for best sf novel for Accelerando, Kelly Link for best novella for Magic for Beginners and many others besides.I, Robot is a finalist for the 2005 Hugo Awards too — fingers crossed!

This story literally could not have been written except for the kind encouragement and dear friendship of Pat York. Pat was a brilliant sf writer and a relentless critiquer who made everything I wrote better and my life warmer. She was killed last year in a car wreck. I miss her every day. Thank you, Pat.Thank you to everyone who selected this story for this honour, and to Eileen Gunn for publishing it, and for Eando Binder for giving both me and Asimov such a great title to nick.

/ / News, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town

I’m pleased as punch to say that my novel, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leave Town has been shortlisted for the Sunburst, Canada’s national science fiction award. The Sunburst jury honored me with the award in 2004 for my short story collection A Place So Foreign and Eight More and this is a double-helping of delight.

Someone Comes to Town… comes out in a new trade paperback edition this week, too!

/ / Podcast

Here’s the second part of a two-part podcast of my story Visit the Sins, which was originally published in Asimov’s in 1999 and reprinted in Hartwell’s Year’s Best SF volume 5. This story deals with attention deficit disorder, the effect that cognitive problems have on families, and how your mental state and your technology are intimately related.

Part 2 MP3

/ / News, Podcast

Here’s the first part of a two-part podcast of my story Visit the Sins, which was originally published in Asimov’s in 1999 and reprinted in Hartwell’s Year’s Best SF volume 5. This story deals with attention deficit disorder, the effect that cognitive problems have on families, and how your mental state and your technology are intimately related.

Part 1 MP3

/ / News

The Hugo Award ballot is online and due in by July 31. If you are attending this year’s World Science Fiction convention in Los Angeles or if you bought a “supporting membership,” you’re eligible to vote in this, the most prestigious of science fiction’s popular awards. Regrettably, only a small fraction of eligible voters cast votes for the Hugos — it’s a real pity.

This year, there’s tons of help for prospective Hugo voters. Of course, my Hugo-nominated novellette I, Robot is online. There’s also free electronic editions of most of the nominated novels, podcasts of most of the nominated short stories, and an excellent guide to online reviews of all the nominated works.