/ / Podcast

Here’s the second of three installments of the podcast of my story The Super-Man and the Bugout, a superhero story that asks what would have happened if Kal-el had landed in suburban Toronto and been raised by an old Jewish couple. It’s the conclusion of the triad of stories comprised by Shadow of the Mothaship and Home Again, Home Again, about the Canadian response to the invasion of benevolent Scientologist aliens.

Part 2 MP3

/ / News, Podcast

Here’s the first of three installments of the podcast of my story The Super-Man and the Bugout, a superhero story that asks what would have happened if Kal-el had landed in suburban Toronto and been raised by an old Jewish couple. It’s the conclusion of the triad of stories comprised by Shadow of the Mothaship and Home Again, Home Again, about the Canadian response to the invasion of benevolent Scientologist aliens.

Part 1 MP3

/ / News

Artist Jeremy Shuback has produced a pair of fine fan-illustrations for my story Anda’s Game, which concerns a young girl’s adventures as a mercenary in a multiplayer game where gold-farmers use sweat-shops of other young girls to earn their living.

The first illo is We’re going to change that, chickens, you lot and me, from Liza the Organiza’s inspirational speech to the girls at Ada Lovelace Comprehensive School. The second is It was a noob avatar, just like the others, but not just like it after all, for it moved with purpose, backing away from her sword. And it spoke English — the scene where Anda finds herself beheading gold-farmers. (Thanks, Jeremy!)

/ / News, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town

Aust Gate, the excellent science fiction bookstore in Oxford, England is offering free UK shipping on signed copies of the paperback of my novel, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, which comes out next month. Just contact the store with your order and inscription information, and I’ll sign and inscribe all the orders on June 19. They’ll also take orders for my other books, and I’m happy to sign/inscribe those too. Just get your order in before June 19!

/ / News

Aust Gate, the excellent science fiction bookstore in Oxford, England is offering free UK shipping on signed copies of the paperback of my novel, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, which comes out next month. Just contact the store with your order and inscription information, and I’ll sign and inscribe all the orders on June 19. They’ll also take orders for my other books, and I’m happy to sign/inscribe those too. Just get your order in before June 19!