/ / News, Overclocked

I mentioned back in March that IDW comics is doing a series of six comics based on my short stories, with a Creative Commons-licensed collection at the end of the series. I’ve just gotten my first cover for the series, for my story Anda’s Game, designed by kick-ass comics artist Sam Kieth. Man, that’s h4wt, and the script, written by Dara Naraghi (I blogged his webcomics back in October), is fantastic.


/ / News, Overclocked

Verbotomy, an online game that challenges people to invent words, create definitions for them, and use them in sentences, is using my short story collection Overclocked for its raw material this week — they’ve come up with some great words already!

Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: mim-ee-oh-path

Sentence: Jill did a mimeopath of herself in her prom dress, handing it out to everyone she knew and didn’t know.

Etymology: mimeograph, psychopath
