/ / News, Podcast

Last night at the World Science Fiction Convention in Yokohama, Japan, I sat down for an interview with Patrick Nielsen Hayden, the editor who runs the largest science fiction line in the world for Tor Books. Patrick is my editor and a friend, and we had a rollicking, quick discussion about copyright, technology and the future of science fiction. It’s live now on the Tor podcast, for your listening pleasure.

MP3 link, Link to Tor podcast homepage, Link to podcast feed

/ / News, Overclocked

Ariel Maidana has produced a Spanish fan-translation of Printcrime, the short-short story that opens my latest collection, Overclocked. Like all the stories in that book, Printcrime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license that encourages readers to play with, remix and adapt the text.

Los policías machacaron la impresora de mi padre cuando yo tenía ocho años. Recuerdo su olor como de papel film recién salido del microondas, y la mirada de feroz concentración de Pa cuando la llenaba con pasta fresca, y el aire cálido, como recién horneado, de los objetos que salían de ella.

Los policías entraron por la puerta agitando sus porras, uno de ellos recitando los términos de la orden de allanamiento con un megáfono. Uno de los clientes de papá lo había vendido. La ipolicía pagaba en fármacos de alta calidad — mejoradores de rendimiento, suplementos para la memoria, estimulantes metabólicos. La clase de cosa que cuesta una fortuna sin receta; la clase de cosa que podrías imprimir en casa, si no te importara el riesgo de tener tu cocina llena con una súbita aglomeración de cuerpos grandes y robustos, grandes porras agitándose en el aire, machacando a cualquier persona o cosa que se pusiera en su camino.


/ / News

Ariel Maidana has produced a Spanish fan-translation of Printcrime, the short-short story that opens my latest collection, Overclocked. Like all the stories in that book, Printcrime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license that encourages readers to play with, remix and adapt the text.

Los policías machacaron la impresora de mi padre cuando yo tenía ocho años. Recuerdo su olor como de papel film recién salido del microondas, y la mirada de feroz concentración de Pa cuando la llenaba con pasta fresca, y el aire cálido, como recién horneado, de los objetos que salían de ella.

Los policías entraron por la puerta agitando sus porras, uno de ellos recitando los términos de la orden de allanamiento con un megáfono. Uno de los clientes de papá lo había vendido. La ipolicía pagaba en fármacos de alta calidad — mejoradores de rendimiento, suplementos para la memoria, estimulantes metabólicos. La clase de cosa que cuesta una fortuna sin receta; la clase de cosa que podrías imprimir en casa, si no te importara el riesgo de tener tu cocina llena con una súbita aglomeración de cuerpos grandes y robustos, grandes porras agitándose en el aire, machacando a cualquier persona o cosa que se pusiera en su camino.


/ / News

Joe Falconer of the band Midnight.Haulkerton has done another song based on one of my works — this time, a track based on my novel Eastern Standard Tribe. The song is CC-licensed (as is the book) and ready for you to share and play with.

What is the theme of this story?
What is the theme of life?
Do you want to be smart? Do you want to be remembered?
Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be content?
If you want to be smart gotta be unhappy
If you want to be happy gotta live in ignorant bliss
If you want to be remembered gotta go down in flames
If you want to be content you ain’t gonna be missed


/ / News

I’m in Melbourne, Australia for the Melbourne Writers’ Festival and a number of people have written to see if I can get together for coffee or a meal. Unfortunately, my schedule’s too tight for much socializing. Lucky for me, Lachlan Musicman, Guy, and Michael Hillis have put forward a venue for a public get-together for snacks and a drink or two before my first gig.

We’re meeting at a Japanese place called Chocolate Buddha — an informal place that’s vegetarian-friendly. We’re getting together there from 8-9PM on Friday, 24 August. There’s no reservation — we’re just going to turn up and commandeer some tables. The next night, I’ll be at Merlyn Theatre for “Free and easy,” an interview with my by The Chaser’s Charles Firth, along with anyone who wants to attend.

Hope to see you there!

Where: Chocolate Buddha, Federation Square, Melbourne
When: Friday, August 24, 8-9PM


See also: Cory’s schedule at Melbourne Writers’ Festival, Aug 25-26

/ / News

At this year’s Comic-Con, I sat down for a joint iFanBoy interview with Brian Wood, creator of DMZ, one of the best new comics of the decade. Brian and I talked about creators’ rights, copyright, my forthcoming comics, the next volume of DMZ (which I wrote the intro for) and other assorted bits.


(Thanks, Ron!)

See also:
DMZ: graphic novel, a worthy successor to Transmetropolitan
Demo: Brian Woods’s comic about teens with “powers”

/ / News

I’m a program participant at the World Science Fiction in Yokohama, Japan this year. Hope to see many of you there! Here’s my schedule:

Thursday, August 30, 4PM: How to Make SF More Inviting to Teens, with David M. Silver, Farah Mendelsohn, Lisa C. Freitag, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Friday, August 31, 11AM: Reading

Friday, August 31, Noon: Digital Maoism: Drowning the Individual Voice, with Eileen Gunn, Chris O’Shea

Friday, August 31, 4PM: The Tech Savvy Criminal, with Geoffrey A. Landis, Patricia MacEwen

Saturday, September 1, noon: Mundane or Transcendent? with Charles Stross, Robert Silverberg

Saturday, September 1, 2PM: The Universal Library, with Charles Stross, Linda Robinett, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tom Galloway

Sunday, September 2, 10AM: Kaffeeklatsche

Sunday, September 2, Noon, Defending Public Domain from Corporate Copyright Maximalism, with Inge Heyer, Naomi Novik, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

I’ll also be presenting the Hugo Award for Best Novelette.
