/ / News

I’m going on holidays until April 12, and probably won’t have any Internet connectivity for the whole time (yay!). If you want to say something to me, email me on April 13 or later!

/ / News

The final Hugo Ballot is online, and my story I, Robot is a finalist for the best novelette! w00t!

Best Novelette
(207 ballots cast)
“The Calorie Man”, Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF October/November 2005)
“Two Hearts”, Peter S. Beagle (F&SF October/November 2005)
“TelePresence”, Michael A. Burstein (Analog July/August 2005)
“I, Robotâ€?, Cory Doctorow (The Infinite Matrix February 15, 2005)
“The King of Where-I-Go”, Howard Waldrop (SCI FICTION December 7,

/ / News, Podcast

Here’s part one of my podcast of Nimby and the D-Hoppers, a story that was originally published in Asimov’s in 2003 and reprinted in a Year’s Best, then translated into Russian, Chinese and French. Nimby is the story of a deep-green alternate future that is being invaded by gun-totin’ yahoos from alternate planes of reality:

Don’t get me wrong — I _like_ unspoiled wilderness. I _like_ my sky clear and blue and my city free of the thunder of cars and jackhammers. I’m no technocrat. But goddamit, who wouldn’t want a fully automatic, laser-guided, armor-piercing, self-replenishing personal sidearm?

Nice turn of phrase, huh? I finally memorized it one night, from one of the hoppers, as he stood in my bedroom, pointing his hand-cannon at another hopper, enumerating its many charms: “This is a laser-guided blah blah blah. Throw down your arms and lace your fingers behind your head, blah blah blah.” I’d heard the same dialog nearly every day that month, whenever the dimension-hoppers catapaulted into my home, shot it up, smashed my window, dived into the street, and chased one another through my poor little shtetl, wreaking havoc, maiming bystanders, and then gateing out to another poor dimension to carry on there.

Part One MP3

/ / News

Andrew Crocker writes, “I’m a senior art student at Colorado State University. Recently we
had an assignment where we were supposed to make a “3D
(make a sculpture, light it and photograph it) dust jacket and 2
spread for one of our favorite books. I chose Down and Out, and
thought I might send you the cover.”

This is really striking and lovely design work. Nice job, Andrew! Thanks so much!

(see also these fan-covers for the book)