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I’m speaking at two events in NYC next week:

Google Unbound, January 18, New York Public Library, 8AM-5PM: This is Google’s conference on the state of the publishing industry and what’s going on with the Internet and publishing. I’m speaking alongside of everyone from Tim O’Reilly to Chris Anderson to Stephen “Freakonomics” Dubner, along with a bunch of execs from the publishing industry. As far as I can tell, registration is open, and it looks like they feed you and liquor you up, too. Update: They’re full — no more registration, sorry!

FreeCulture NYU, January 19, 5PM: I’m speaking at this public event co-sponsored by FreeCulture NYU and the NYU Association for Computing Machinery, on “State of the Copyfight 2007: Looking up, not out of the woods yet.” No free food at the this one, I think, but probably a better crowd if you need some help configuring Ubuntu.

Hope to see you!