/ / Stories


The characters in this one originated in “The Adventures of Ma N Pa Frigidaire“, and I’m thrilled to see them finally making their way into print. Normally, I don’t write more than one story in a given world or about a given character, but Dometown and its residents are stuck in my brain, and I think you’ll be seeing more of them.

/ / Stories

Tesseracts 7, Tesseract Books

This is the culmination of what I call my “Jesus period,” in which a nice Jewish boy like me wrote story after story about Jesus. Most of ’em frankly stank. This one didn’t. It’s not just the experimental style (which I first encountered when we workshopped Jeff Vandermeer’s “At the Crossroads, Burying the Dog,” at Clarion 92), it’s the feeling. I think that this is the creepiest story I’ve ever written — the closest I’ve ever come to horror.