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Cory Doctorow
Here you'll find all of my nonfiction. Selected documents are available for download as PalmPilot-readable documents.
- Amish for QWERTY, O'Reilly Network, July 2003
- Choose your interface wisely -- you may be stuck with it
- Can Wi-Fi Take Us the Last Mile?, Business 2.0, April 2003
- Editorial on WiFi's value as a competitive hedge against the Baby Bells
- Maximum Overdrive, Wired, March 2003
- Feature on overclockers
- Dead Air, Wired, March 2003
- Brief review of Iain Banks's Dead Air
- Just Not Evenly Distributed, Mindjack, February 2003
- Review of William Gibson's Pattern Recognition
- Exit Transmet, Wired, December 2002
- Review of the final issue of Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan
- Smart Mobs, Mindjack, November 2002
- My review of Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs
- TechTV's Catalog of Tomorrow, TechTV, September 2002
- I was a contributor to TechTV's Catalog of Tomorrow
- Essential Blogging, O'Reilly and Associates, August 2002
- O'Reilly blogging book -- I wrote the opening chapter
- Douglas Adams Speaks, Wired, June 2002
- Quirky "interview" with the deceased Douglas Adams on The Salmon of Doubt
- My Blog, My Outboard Brain, O'Reilly Network, May 2002
- Editorial on the knowledge-management value of blogging
- The Street Finds its Own Use for the Law of Unintended Consequences, O'Reilly Network, April 2002
- Editorial on the costs to innovation of DRM and tech mandates
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Panopticon, O'Reilly Network, March 2002
- Editorial on why Google's search-algorithm can't be beat
- Entourage X, Wired, February 2002
- My review of Entourage for OS X
- Xircom Wireless LAN Module, Mindjack, January 2001
- My review of the Xircom Wireless LAN Module for Palm m500 handhelds
- 2002: The Carpetbaggers Go Home, O'Reilly Network, December 2001
- Editorial on the power of a flat-broke tech-sector
- Springport Wireless Ethernet Module, Wired, September 2001
- Review of a WiFi adapter for the Handspring Visor
- Eastern Standard Tribe, Wired, September 2001
- Feature on people who sleep on New York time
- Virtual Light on the Road, Wired, August 2001
- Review of No Maps for These Territories, a documentary about William Gibson
- Ultimate TV, Wired, June 2001
- Feature review of Microsoft's UltimateTV
- Ventus, Mindjack, January 2001
- Review of Karl Schroeder's Ventus
- Eyemodule 2, Wired, May 2001
- Review of the Handspring Eyemodule 2
- Multiplier 600, Wired, April 2001
- Review of Gerber's "Build-Your-Own" multitool
- The Art of Innovation, Wired, February 2001
- Review of Tom Kelley's The Art of Innovation
- Eyemodule, Mindjack, December 2000
- Review of the Eyemodule camera for the Handspring Visor
- The Big Con, Mindjack, November 2000
- Review of the David Maurer's The Big Con
- Anglo Galactica, Wired, September 2000
- Review of Jim Munroe's Angry Young Spaceman
- Spice World, Wired, September 2000
- Review of Bruce Sterling's Zeitgeist
- Open, Sez Me, Wired, July 2000
- Brief review of Aladn Home Automation system
- A Second Date with the Gnomes of San Jose:, Mindjack
- The second meeting of the Intel Peer-to-Peer Working Group
- My Date with the Gnomes of San Jose, Mindjack
- A First Person Account of the First Meeting of the Intel Peer-to-Peer Working Group
- The Complete
Idiot's Guide to Writing Science Fiction, Macmillan, August, 2000
- With Karl Schroeder
- Interview with William Gibson, The Globe and Mail, November 30, 2000
- Gibson on Toronto, nostalgia, and pop-culture
- Transcript of William Gibson Interview
- The raw transcript
- Amphibious Assault, Wired Magazine, November 1999
- My review of the Argo amphibious ATV
- Top of the Food Chain, Sci-Fi Entertainment, Forthcoming
- Indy Filmmakers Make Good
- Lost and Found, Sci-Fi Universe, June 1998
- Lost In Space
- Spaced Family Robinson, Sci-Fi Entertainment, June 1998
- Still Lost In Space
- AIDS in Science Fiction, Sci Fi Entertainment, April 1998
- Depressing As Hell
- American Werewolf in Paris, Sci-Fi Universe, February 1998
- More Dollars Than Sense: An American Werewolf in Paris
- Flubber Flies Again, Sci-Fi Entertainment, January 1998
- The Perfect Live-Action Disney Flick: Flubber
- Alien Resurrection, Sci-Fi Entertainment, December 1997
- My First Cover: Alien Resurrection
- Cell, Wired, December 1997
- Brief review of the PowerBooster 8000
- Mortal Kombat II, Sci-Fi Entertainment, November 1997
- Fifth-Highest Grossing Media Property of All Time: Mortal Kombat Annihilation
- The Street Finds Its Own Ass With Both Hands, New York Review of Science-Fiction, October 1997
- A Cyberpunk Rant
- Dumpster Diving, Wired, September 1997
- Trash Into Gold
- Olympic Animation, Sci-Fi Entertainment, July 1997
- Revisionist Disney History: Hercules
- Mackerel: Burying the Fish, Wired, never published
- The Life and Death of Mackerel Multimedia
Internet Column
I wrote a regular column for Science Fiction Age, reviewing science-fiction Web sites. I got the job when Scott Edelman asked Martha Soukup if she wanted it, and she turned him down. Hell, I'll take 'em anyway I can get 'em. Anyway, Scott seems pretty happy with the column -- he's doubled its length and moved it to the coveted back page.
It's always seemed a shame that none of this stuff was online. Sovereign Media, Age's parent company, has been slow to establish a Web presence for its titles, so I've gone ahead and put the old columns up for your perusal. I'll add a new one once the issue it's in is off the stands.
Inherent to the Internet is its mutability. I am positive that many of the links contained herein don't work. I don't have the time to research current links -- if you have any, email me and I'll make the correction. Oh, and of course, if you want something reviewed here, don't hesitate to drop me a line.