Warren Ellis, Matt Jones, St. Bart's
St Bart's
Cait Hurley, Phil Gyford, South Bank
Giant ferris wheeel, South Bank
Cait Hurley, Warren Ellis
Warren Ellis, Cait Hurley, Soho
Cait Hurley, Warren Ellis, Phil Gyford
Warren Ellis, Soho restaurant
Cait Hurley, Soho restaurant
Phil Gyford, Soho restaurant
Faces on the tube
The tube
Rob Hamadi
Alice with Cyberdog city
Me with copyright free images
80GBP "wanker" wine
Me at the Beeb
Me at the Beeb
Folding bike at the Beeb
Church of Scientology
?? and Dave Green, the Work Foundation
James Cronin, ??, Work Foundation
Dave Green, ??, the Work Foundation
"Wonk" bag
Putin's Entourage, Buckingham Garden
Putin's Entourage, Buckingham Garden
Putin's Entourage, Buckingham Garden -- cool Beefeater radio rig
Putin's Entourage, Buckingham Garden
Putin's Entourage, Buckingham Garden