Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine
[v1 #12/13, September/October 1992]
editor Dean Wesley Smith
(Pulphouse Publishing; Eugene, OR, $5.95, 128pp+, quarto, cover by Kent Bash)
  • 4 • From the Editor’s Desk • Dean Wesley Smith • ed
  • 5 • Sit-in at the Alamo • William F. Wu • ss
  • 13 • Bridging the Gulf • Elizabeth Ann Scarborough & Nevin “Mick” Pratt, Jr., Marine SSgt. • lt
  • 23 • The Night You Could Hear Forever • Parke Godwin • ss
  • 26 • Seasons of Ice, Fields of Winter • Ken Wisman • ss
  • 32 • Re: Vision • Steve Rasnic Tem • vi
  • 34 • Brainpulp • J. N. Williamson • cl
  • 39 • Fast Over Thin Ice • Robert J. Howe • cl
  • 42 • From the Heart’s Basement • Barry N. Malzberg • cl
  • 45 • Say Hello, Mister Quigley • J. Michael Straczynski • nv
  • 52 • Well-Loved • Ian R. MacLeod • ss Interzone #34 ’90
  • 56 • Leaves • Mario Milosevic • vi
  • 58 • Doing Time • Ray Vukcevich • vi
  • 60 • The Midwives of Miracle • Amy Bechtel • ss
  • 67 • Ask Auntie Esther • Esther M. Friesner • cl
  • The Eclectic Muse:
  • 70 • Recommended Reading for 1990 & 1991 • Charles de Lint • cl
  • The Adventures:
  • 73 • Partners • Mike Resnick • ss
  • 81 • Out on Front Street • Janet Kagan • vi
  • 82 • “If This Goes On—” • Spider Robinson • hu
  • 83 • Choices • Barbara Delaplace • ss
  • 87 • Social Behaviors of the Pterodactyl: Collected Field Notes • Anne Moran Hunsinger • ss
  • 91 • One Quiet Night • Bill Johnson • ss
  • 94 • Shepherd • Doug Beason • ss
  • 99 • No Room for the Unicorn • Laura Resnick • ss Horse Fantastic, editors Martin H. Greenberg & Rosalind M. Greenberg, DAW, 1991
  • 102 • Traveling • S. A. Stolnack • ss
  • 109 • Alternate Reality 578.5 • Bruce Taylor • vi
  • 111 • Paul Simon Meets Marianne Rubberhead • Dan Persons • ar
  • 114 • Hell: A Cautionary Tale • Cory Doctorow • ss
  • 121 • Jasmine Nights [Part 12 of 15] • S. P. Somtow • n. The Bangkok Post, 1991
  • 126 • Classified Ads • Larry Tritten • hu