Letter from AA in response to http://craphound.com/aadossierletter.txt February 18, 2005 Executive Office Dear Mr Doctorow Thank you for your patience while awaiting our response to your letter of January 14. The circumstances surrounding your January 9 check-in at London's Gatwick airport have now been investigated and I'm glad to followup with you. Our own Corporate Communications office was involved in a comprehensive review of this matter, and your concerns might be best answered in the following statement which that department released to the media. "After reviewing our documentation on Mr Doctorow's experience in London, it is evident that both our contracted security screener and Mr Doctorow contributed to what is not a representative example of our security screening process. Mr Doctorow exhibited specific behaviors and cues before and during our initial security screening that caused our screener to initiate a secondary screening process. We will not publicize those behaviors because to do so might hamper the effectiveness of the screening process in the future. That said, our contracted screener veered from standard procedure when she asked for Mr Doctorow to write the addresses of his destinations in the United States. She did clearly state that once the interview was completed, the address list would be destroyed in front of Mr Doctorow or that he could have the list to keep. American Airlines absolutely does not register or record that type of personal data. Although the agent concerned is very promising, this incident clearly showed a lack of experience in the questioning process. This agent will go through additional training and supervision. Through daily briefings, the remainder of this station will benefit from the experience gained from this incident. American Airlines is entirely serious about the security procedures we undertake to help ensure the safety of our passengers and crews. We expect that our passengers apply the same serious consideration when they encounter our procedures. The vast majority of airline travelers appreciate the increased security and have adapted to a new reality in air travel. That is not, however, an excuse for security measures to be applied unevenly, and to reiterate, we do not keep personal information gathered during the screening process. We appreciate that Mr Doctorow called our attention to the mistakes that were made because it helps us rectify the situation going forward." In essence Mr Doctorow, we are sorry that this security screening cause you any needless alarm. We consider this to have been an isolated matter and ultimately we hope you agree. We certainly value your loyalty and support and are eager to continue the beneficial relationship we have developed to date. We are all working hard to ensure that every flight you take on American is enjoyable and that your every contact with our people is pleasant and productive. If I can further address this situation for you, you may address an email to my attention at AA.COM, or you may call me directly at (817) XXX-XXXX. Please continue to travel with us often. Sincerely, Tim Rhodes